Third International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment ICEDEG 2016 Important Dates: Full Papers: 31/10/2015 Tutorial Proposal: 30/11/2015 Notification: 15/01/2016 Camera-ready:  27/02/2016 Conference Chair: Andreas Meier, University of Fribourg Program Chair Luis Terán, University of Fribourg and Universidad de…

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Computer Aided System Engineering – Distinguished Lecturer Tour

Lugar Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Auditorio de la Facultad de Ingeniería en Electricidad y Computación FIEC 17 de Julio, 14.00 Regístrate Aquí Temas Power Grid Modeling and Simulation, Redefined…

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IEEE-EMBS Ecuador: Introduction to diffusion imaging with magnetic resonance

Pablo Irarrázaval Mena, PhD. Jueves 11 de junio, 09H00 GMT -5 Registrate Aqui About the Webinar: Diffusion is the process whereby molecules move in space because of concentration gradients. This…

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IEEE Smart Village: Toward Sustainable Technology & Community Education Partnerships

  IEEE Sección Ecuador tiene el agrado de invitar al Webinar "Towar Sustainable Technology & Community Education Partnerships". Este webinar será presentado por Ray Larsen de Stanford SLAC y Daniel…

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