IEEE Smart Village: Toward Sustainable Technology & Community Education Partnerships


IEEE Sección Ecuador tiene el agrado de invitar al Webinar «Towar Sustainable Technology & Community Education Partnerships». Este webinar será presentado por Ray Larsen de Stanford SLAC y Daniel Wessner de Regis University quienes llevan el programa IEEE Smart Village.


Miércoles 15 de Abril 8.00 pm GMT -5

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IEEE Smart Village

SmartVillageLogoThe IEEE Smart Village (formerly Community Solutions Initiative) is the member-lead not-for-profit humanitarian outreach program of the IEEE. In 2014, IEEE Foundation accepted IEEE Smart Village as one of its four “Signature Programs,” of the IEEE thus adding to its menu of innovative initiatives, a humanitarian mission that delivers immediate impact to the world’s poorest and most energy-deprived populations.

Smart Village is unique in that it does not provide grants in the traditional sense; instead, micro-utility equipment is donated to an NGO partner. This concept grew out of a multi-society member-inspired initiative committed to open-source design and delivery of energy, education, and technology to the far off-grid electricity impoverished. Its unique emphasis is on the stimulus of social enterprise via the donation of equipment, training, and start-up expertise to become self sustaining community owned and operated micro-utilities.

Widely supported by IEEE’s societies and councils, Smart Village is actively seeking funding support and volunteers interested in helping with the deployment, organizational design and expansion of the program. Learn more about IEEE Smart Village here.

Raymond Larsen

A true advocate of using technology as an aid to improving the human condition, Raymond S. Larsen’s community service initiatives have impacted the lives of needy people in impoverished countries around the world. The founder and current co-chair of the IEEE Community Solutions Initiative, Mr. Larsen’s concept for bettering disadvantaged communities goes beyond just providing supplies or finances.

The goal of his team’s program is to demonstrate sustainable development of solar electricity through seed pilot projects run by community entrepreneurs who franchise mobile community charging stations with home light and portable battery kits. The systems have been deployed in Haiti, several countries in Africa and starups are planned for India, South America and Asia. Asia. The program, now expanding to include a unique community-based education model and global classroom delivery system, was recently adopted by the IEEE Foundation as a Signature Project and rebranded IEEE Smart Village.

An IEEE Life Fellow, Mr. Larsen is currently special projects engineering manager at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University, Menlo Park, Calif.

Dan Wessner

Dr. Dan Wessner is Professor of Politics at Regis University. He directs the university’s undergraduate and graduate programming in Development Practice. He works extensively among international nonprofits committed to just and lasting change. He has served in community-based development in eight countries and connects this work to ongoing research of international education, social capital, and post-war empowerment. He collaborates among scores of Denver-headquartered global nonprofits at the Posner Center for International Development. His degrees are in international studies, law, theology, and history. He serves on the boards of the Posner Center, iDE, WAC, and IEEE Smart Village.

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