Happy New Year of 2017 ISGT-LA Conference Team

Happy New Year!
We wish all our IEEE colleagues a happy New Year, and we invite you to make 2017 ISGT Latin America part of your New Year resolution. Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message.
The 2017 Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America (ISGT-LA 2017), sponsored by the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES), will be held on September 20-22, 2017 at the JW Marriott Hotel Quito in Quito, Ecuador.

The Conference will be a forum for the participants to discuss “Opportunities and Challenges of the Power Industry towards Management Systems Integration”. The aim of the Conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia and provide them with a platform to report on recent developments, achievements, deployments, technology trends and research results, as well as initiatives related to Smart Grids.

The Conference will feature plenary sessions, panels, technical papers, industry exhibits, and tutorials by experts on smart grid applications and systems integration.

The Conference Organizing Committee invites researchers and practitioners worldwide to submit papers for review and possible presentation. The Conference scope covers the following general topics (included but not limited to):
§  Energy and Distribution Management Systems
§  Wide Area Monitoring, Protection, and Control in Energy Systems
§  Information and Communications Technology
§  Smart Electricity Markets
§  Intelligent Control & Real-Time Stability Assessment
§  Smart Sensors and Advanced Metering Infrastructure
§  Impact of Smart Grid on Distributed Energy Resources (protections, electric vehicles, demand response, distributed generation, storage, etc.)
§  Cyber Security Systems (intelligent monitoring and outage management)
§  Smart Grid Interoperability and Standards
§  Critical Infrastructure Resiliency (natural disasters, geomagnetic disturbances, etc.)
§  Deployable Microgrids
§  Smart Grid Deployment, Demonstration Projects and Experiences
§  Computational Intelligence and Optimization Techniques
§  Power Quality and Efficiency
§  Renewable Energy Integration and Storage
§  Demand Side Management
§  Smart Buildings and Home Automation
§  Utility Assets and Power Electronics

Paper Submission
Full papers with a maximum length of 6 pages, and in accordance with the PES Author's Kit (http://www.ieee-pes.org/meetings-and-conferences/calls-for-papers/pes-authors-kit) using the pre-defined template for PES Conference Papers (http://www.ieee-pes.org/templates-and-sample-of-pes-technical-papers) are to be submitted by March 17, 2017 (no later than 11:59 pm central) via the document submission portal: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isgtla17

In addition, to general criteria mentioned in the Author's Kit, the following criteria will be used in evaluating the submissions:
§  Evidence of actual deployment or application
§  Representative of a state-of-the-art capability or practice
§  Ability to inform strategies for advancing grid capabilities
Accepted papers must be presented at the conference before they can be included in IEEE Xplore. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Conference Registration and Accommodation
Information on hotel and conference registration will be available on the 2017 ISGT-LA website.

Conference Organizing Committee
Conference Chair: Gabriel Argüello
Technical Committee Chair: Claudio Cañizares
Important Dates
Paper Submission Site Opens: November 1, 2016
Paper Submission Site Closes: March 17, 2017 (at 11:59 pm CST)
Notification of Paper Acceptance: May 31, 2017

IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment and bullying. For more information, visit www.ieee.org/web/aboutus/whatis/policies/p9-26.html.

Kind regards of the 2017 ISGT-LA Conference Team!

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