En marcha

IEEE MOVE Interested Group Form

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/407879

We are delighted with your interest in joining the IEEE MOVE Community Outreach initiative. The MOVE program is looking for qualified volunteers who not only have a deep passion for humanitarian work but also the expertise, wisdom and time to commit in support of the program. We are currently seeking candidates for leadership positions of committees and working groups for our global program expansion. Currently we are looking for volunteers in support of our programs in Puerto Rico. We realize that few people have the ability to extensively volunteer to a program such as ours. It is through the diverse efforts of committee members, each contribution their time and resources as they are able, in a combined effort that allows us to address the many programmatic needs. Information you provide will allow us to appreciate your talents and time so we can best engage you in the program. For more information, you can visit the (https://move.ieee.org/) webpage. Thank you! Co-sponsored by: IEEE MOVE Puerto Rico Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/407879

Reunión mensual de grupos de afinidad WIE Colombia

Bldg: Universidad ECCI, Calle 51 No. 19 - 36, Sede P, Bogotá, Distrito Capital de Bogota, Colombia, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/413980

Encuentro mensual híbrido de juntas directivas de los grupos de afinidad WIE en Colombia. Co-sponsored by: Escuela Colombiana de Carreras Industriales Agenda: - Presentación de las diferentes juntas directivas - Socialización de convocatoria y presentación del nuevo/a representante estudiantil WIE ante la junta directiva 2024-2025 Bldg: Universidad ECCI, Calle 51 No. 19 - 36, Sede P, Bogotá, Distrito Capital de Bogota, Colombia, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/413980

vTools Herramientas

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/414841

La Rama Estudiantil IEEE de la Universidad Nacional de San Juan, en conjunto con el capítulo IEEE Education Society y el Comité de Actividades Estudiantiles de Argentina dará una charla sobre las Herramientas de vTools el día Sábado 6 de Abril del corriente año a las 16:00 hs GMT-3, en modalidad virtual. La actividad será en español. Disertantes:Guillermo Kalocai - vTools Coordinator Argentina Matias Dingevan - Chair UNSJ, Tesorero SAC Argentina Melina Gonzalez - Vice Chair UNSJ, SSR SAC Argentina Los contenidos a desarollar serán los siguientes; - ¿Qué es vTools? - vTools Voting - vTools Officer Reporting - vTools Events - vTools Student Branch Reporting - vTools eNotice ---------------------------------------- The IEEE Student Branch of the National University of San Juan, together with the IEEE Education Society chapter and the Student Activities Committee of Argentina will give a talk on vTools on Saturday, April 6th at 16:00 hs GMT-3, in virtual mode. The activity will be in Spanish. Speakers: Guillermo Kalocai - vTools Coordinator Argentina Matias Dingevan - Chair UNSJ, Treasurer SAC Argentina Melina Gonzalez - Vice Chair UNSJ, SSR SAC Argentina The contents to be developed will be the following: - What is vTools? - vTools Voting - vTools Officer Reporting - vTools Events - vTools Student Branch Reporting - vTools eNotice ---------------------------------------- O Ramo Estudantil IEEE da Universidade Nacional de San Juan, em conjunto com o capítulo da Sociedade Educacional IEEE e o Comitê de Atividades Estudantis da Argentina, vai dar uma palestra sobre ferramentas vTools e será ministrada no Sábado, 6 de Abril deste ano, às 16:00 horas GMT-3, em modo virtual. A atividade será em espanhol. Palestrantes: Guillermo Kalocai - Coordenador de vTools Argentina Matias Dingevan - Presidente UNSJ, Tesoureiro SAC Argentina Melina Gonzalez - Vice-Presidente UNSJ, SSR SAC Argentina Os conteúdos a desenvolver serão os seguintes: - O que é vTools? - Votação vTools - Relatórios do oficial vTools - Eventos vTools - Relatórios de Ramos Estudantis vTools - vTools eNotice Co-sponsored by: IEEE Student Activities Committee Argentina Section Speaker(s): Guillermo, Matias, Melina Agenda: Los contenidos a desarollar serán los siguientes; - ¿Qué es vTools? - vTools Voting - vTools Officer Reporting - vTools Events - vTools Student Branch Reporting - vTools eNotice Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/414841

Transformación Digital para la Industria de los Hidrocarburos: Sección Transporte

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/413169

¡Atención! ¿Te interesaría conocer sobre la gestión de transporte de hidrocarburos en Colombia? Conoce a Alfredo López, un ingeniero destacado que ha participado en el negocio de transporte y gestión digital. El ingeniero Alfredo nos llevará en un viaje emocionante sobre el mantenimiento en el mundo del transporte, explorando temas como el control de procesos y la transición digital. Speaker(s): Ingeniero Alfredo Lopez Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/413169

Conversatorio RAS

Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador

Conversatorio RAS: Abordando la Robótica y Automatización desde una Perspectiva Nacional Co-sponsored by: Universidad Indoamérica Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador