Awards & Recognition

IEEE Awards

The IEEE Awards Board (AB) manages the highest IEEE medals, awards and recognitions. Through its Awards Program, IEEE advances the interests of its members by recognizing their contributions in the advancement of the fields of interest of IEEE for the benefit of society. In this way, the image and prestige of the profession, the organization and its members are all improved. The IEEE Awards Program honors members and other professionals for their service to society. For more details, visit the IEEE awards website.

MGA Awards Program

For more information please visit:

EAB Awards Program

For more information please visit:

Regional Awards

The Region 9 Awards & Recognitions Committee presents the information and rules for each of the awards given by R9.

1. IEEE Region 9 Eminent Engineer Award

The “Ingeniero Eminente del IEEE Latinoamérica” award is established as a recognition for those members belonging to any of the Sections that make up the Latin American Region, who have contributed significantly to the promotion and growth of the professional disciplines that are part of IEEE.

Ingeniero Eminente del IEEE Latinoamerica  Award

2. IEEE Region 9 “Oscar C. Fernández” Outstanding Volunteer Award

This Prize is instituted as a way to recognize and stimulate IEEE volunteers in Region 9 and as a means of recognizing those who have contributed in an outstanding way in its Section.

Outstanding Volunteer Awards

3. IEEE Region 9 Best Achievement of the Year Award

This Prize will be awarded to the Section that, in the opinion of the Regional Committee, has carried out an activity of such importance in the year prior to the meeting, which deserves this recognition according to the evaluation criteria described below.

IEEE Latin America Regional “Best Achievement of the Year” Award

4. IEEE Region 9 Outstanding Student and Young Professional Activities Supporter Award

Formerly Theodore W. Hissey Award (2004-2018)

IEEE Theodore W. Hissey Award, for the contribution to Student and Young Professionals activities in the IEEE Latin American Region.

Outstanding Volunteer Award for supporting student and Young Professional activities

5. IEEE Region 9 Meritorious Service Award

This Award is designed to recognize Region 9 members who, through their professional and technical skills, have made outstanding and remarkable contributions to the Institute, its communities, peers and fellow professionals.

Meritorious Service Award – Procedure

6. IEEE Region 9 Outstanding Section Award

This award is to recognize the outstanding success of a Section in the fulfillment of its objectives – in accordance with the IEEE policy – through the organization of technical, professional and geographical activities for the benefit of its members and through maintenance, improvement and Support for Student Branches, Chapters and Affinity Groups within their geographical boundaries.

Outstanding Section Award – Procedure

7. IEEE Region 9 Discretional Award

This award is designed to provide tools to the Regional Director so that he or she can recognize individual contributions to the Region, Sections and IEEE, based on the achievements and contributions of volunteers.

Premio Discrecional DR – Reglamento

8. IEEE Region 9 Best Contribution to the IEEE Latin America History Award

This award recognizes the value of written contributions to the History of the IEEE in Region 9.

IEEE Region 9 Best Contribution to the IEEE Latin America History Award

Student Awards & Recognition

There are different calls at the student level to recognize the leaders and the most outstanding Student Branches of Region 9.

On behalf of the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board (MGA) we have the following awards:

For more information about MGA Student Awards & Recognitions click here.

In addition there are Awards & Recognitions promoted by the R9 SAC Team :

  • Website Regional Student Contest
  • Success Case Regional Student Contest
  • TISP Regional Student Contest
  • Exemplary Technical Chapter Regional Student Contest
  • Exemplary Affinity Group Regional Student Contest
  • IEEE Day Regional Student Contest
  • Student Photography Contest
  • Ethics Regional Student Contest

For more information about R9 SAC Team Student Awards & Recognitions click here.

To see the winners of previous Student Contests click here.