En marcha

IEEE MOVE Interested Group Form

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/407879

We are delighted with your interest in joining the IEEE MOVE Community Outreach initiative. The MOVE program is looking for qualified volunteers who not only have a deep passion for humanitarian work but also the expertise, wisdom and time to commit in support of the program. We are currently seeking candidates for leadership positions of committees and working groups for our global program expansion. Currently we are looking for volunteers in support of our programs in Puerto Rico. We realize that few people have the ability to extensively volunteer to a program such as ours. It is through the diverse efforts of committee members, each contribution their time and resources as they are able, in a combined effort that allows us to address the many programmatic needs. Information you provide will allow us to appreciate your talents and time so we can best engage you in the program. For more information, you can visit the (https://move.ieee.org/) webpage. Thank you! Co-sponsored by: IEEE MOVE Puerto Rico Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/407879

II Foro de automatización y control ITSX

Bldg: Auditorio, Sección 5a. de la Reserva Territorial S/N, Col. Santa Bárbara, Xalapa, Veracruz, Veracruz-Llave, Mexico, 91074

Segundo foto de automatización y control del Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Xalapa. Curso de PLC impartido por el ING. Julio Cesar Martínez Exposición de proyectos de automatización y control Bldg: Auditorio, Sección 5a. de la Reserva Territorial S/N, Col. Santa Bárbara, Xalapa, Veracruz, Veracruz-Llave, Mexico, 91074

Apresentação do Ramo IEEE

Room: LED-IT room, Bldg: FEEC , Av. Albert Einstein – 400. Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz. Barão Geraldo – Campinas – SP – Brasil, Laboratories Building, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, CEP: 13083-852.

Introdução do Ramo IEEE à comunidade estudantil, com foco em nos novos membros. Room: LED-IT room, Bldg: FEEC , Av. Albert Einstein – 400. Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz. Barão Geraldo – Campinas – SP – Brasil, Laboratories Building, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, CEP: 13083-852.

Future Development of Metasurface and Metamaterial Absorbers and Their Applications in Antennas

DES-CTG-UFPE, RECIFE, Pernambuco, Brazil, 50.740-550

Dr. Gabriel Gonçalves Machado from Ulster University will present on the exciting field of metamaterial absorbers focused on the design of stealthy antenna arrays, and the role that microwave absorbers play on electromagnetic busy antenna environments, such as spacecrafts. Having industry and academic experience in this field, Dr. Machado will demonstrate examples of technologies that are still under investigation by academics and engineers working in this field. Speaker(s): Gabriel Gonçalves Machado, DES-CTG-UFPE, RECIFE, Pernambuco, Brazil, 50.740-550

Advanced Antenna Design, Fabrication and Characterisation

DES-CTG-UFPE, RECIFE, Pernambuco, Brazil, 50.740-550

Dr. Ardavan Rahimian from Ulster University will deliver a talk on antenna technology and its pivotal role in shaping the future of wireless communications. With a keen focus on the evolution from 5G to 6G networks, Dr. Rahimian will go through the challenges of advanced antenna design, fabrication, and characterization techniques. He will explore how these innovations are poised to revolutionize signal coverage, throughput, and spectral efficiency in next-generation wireless systems. Co-sponsored by: University of Ulster - UK Speaker(s): Ardovan Rahimian, DES-CTG-UFPE, RECIFE, Pernambuco, Brazil, 50.740-550

Application of Machine Learning for 6G

DES-CTG-UFPE, RECIFE, Pernambuco, Brazil, 50.740-550

Dr. Adnan Ahmad Cheema from Ulster University will illuminate the groundbreaking applications of machine learning in shaping the landscape of 6G communications. Through a fusion of advanced algorithms and predictive analytics, he will unveil how machine learning revolutionizes spectrum management, network optimization, and resource allocation in next-generation wireless networks. Join us as Dr. Cheema explores the transformative potential of machine learning in unlocking unprecedented speed, reliability, and connectivity, propelling us towards the era of 6G communications. Speaker(s): Adnan Cheema, DES-CTG-UFPE, RECIFE, Pernambuco, Brazil, 50.740-550

Biomedical Informatics and Data Science

DES-CTG-UFPE, RECIFE, Pernambuco, Brazil, 50.740-550

Professor Dewar Finlay from Ulster University researches on the forefront of technological advancement intersecting with healthcare. With a focus on Data Analytics, Machine Learning (ML), and Artificial Intelligence (AI), Professor Finlay will illuminate the transformative potential these fields hold for Healthcare Technology. In this talk, he will discuss how engineering computing enhances diagnostic accuracy, treatment efficacy, and patient care in cardiology. Drawing from his extensive research background, Professor Finlay will explore innovative methodologies, emerging trends, and the future trajectory of these interdisciplinary domains. Co-sponsored by: University of Ulster - UK Speaker(s): Dewar Finlay, DES-CTG-UFPE, RECIFE, Pernambuco, Brazil, 50.740-550

Tendencias Transformadoras en Robótica e Inteligencia Artificial

Bldg: Plaza Palmas, Av. Universidad 2229, San José del Arenal, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico, 20127

Evento que presenta tópicos de ingeniería actuales para información de profesionistas, estudiantes y hombres de negocio! Co-sponsored by: Casa Miguel Speaker(s): uziel, Diego, Carlos Agenda: Presentación de panelistas Desarrollo de exposiciones Preguntas y respuestas Cierre Bldg: Plaza Palmas, Av. Universidad 2229, San José del Arenal, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico, 20127

2024 IEEE Region 9 Meeting – ExCom Representative

Bldg: Estelar Paipa Hotel, Estelar Paipa Hotel, https://www.estelarpaipa.com/, Paipa, Boyaca, Colombia

This link is intended for registration of ExCom Representatives Bldg: Estelar Paipa Hotel, Estelar Paipa Hotel, https://www.estelarpaipa.com/, Paipa, Boyaca, Colombia

"Mulheres Que Inspiram – 3 EDIÇÃO" – 06 A 08/03 – 6:30 PM (UTC – 03:00 – BRASILIA)

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/408670

Dedicado a confidencialidade e homenagear mulheres especializadas que servem como fontes de inspiração para outras, quebrando barreiras e fazendo contribuições significativas para a sociedade. Este é o significado e o objetivo do evento “Mulheres Que Inspiram”. O evento “Mulheres Que Inspiram” está em sua terceira edição e acontecerá nos dias 06 a 08 de março de 2024, totalmente online, das 18h30 às 20h30. Nesta edição serão celebradas as mulheres na STEM (Ciências, Tecnologia, Engenharia e Matemática). Este evento celebra e destaca o papel fundamental das mulheres em diversas áreas, desde liderança empresarial até conquistas nas artes, ciências, tecnologia, engenharia e muito mais. A intenção é promover, no decorrer dos 3 dias, uma roda de conversa acolhedora, onde docentes, discentes e atuantes do mercado de trabalho possam compartilhar pesquisas, oportunidades e desafios de carreira, inspirando assim outras pessoas. O evento “Mulheres Que Inspiram” foi inspirado no Grupo de Afinidade WIE (Woman in Engineering, traduzindo, Mulheres na Engenharia do Instituto de Engenheiros Elétricos e Eletrônicos (IEEE)) que tem mais de 25 anos de fundação. Há algo que aprendemos ao longo da história é que as mulheres têm o poder de transformar o mundo com sua resiliência, coragem e determinação. Estamos emocionados em anunciar que o tão esperado evento "Mulheres que Inspiram" está às portas, pronto para homenagear e celebrar essas incríveis narrativas de sucesso. Este evento é aberto a todos os públicos, homens, mulheres, jovens, idosos e crianças. Não há distinção de sexo, idade ou gênero. Basta se interessar e querer conhecer um pouco da história dessas mulheres maravilhosas. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/408670

Soluciones Confiables e Innovadoras en Comunicaciones y Control Industrial

Bldg: Hotel Las Americas, Avenida Las Americas 9-08, Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala, 01001

Te interesa conocer más sobre soluciones de comunicación industrial: · Soluciones en redes industriales. · Subestaciones inteligentes. · Soluciones en control industrial. Se abordará la siguiente temática: 1. Ventajas de subestaciones inteligentes 2. Requerimientos de Hw, Sw en la parte de comunicaciones 3. Requerimientos de Hw y Sw en la parte de comunicaciones 4. Protocolo IEC 61850 5. Estrategia de migración a partir de subestaciones tradicionales y mitigación de riesgos. 6. Implementación de redes de comunicación confiables HSR/PRP, GPS, latencia, bus de proceso, bus de estación, etc. 7. VPR Virtualización de los Reles de protección, ventajas, desafíos, requerimientos de Hw, Sw, estrategias de migración mitigando riesgos. CUPO LIMITADO INVERSION: Miembros IEEE profesional, o Invitado Especial: Q 00.00 No Miembros: Q250.00 Agenda: Tiempo Actividad 07:30 – 08:30 Registro y Desayuno 08:30 – 09:00 Palabras de Bienvenida- Bienvenido - IEEE SECCIÓN GUATEMALA – IAS - Presentación general / hoja de ruta de KLG 09:00 – 10:30 Sesión 1 : Soluciones de redes industriales - Solución de Comunicación Industrial: - Tecnología de conmutación - Tecnología de redundancia (STP/RSTP, HSR/PRP, VRRP, DT-Ring) - Software de gestión de red 10:30 – 12:00 Sesión 2 : Soluciones de energía inteligentes - Solución de sincronización - Servidor de energía industrial - Solución de control y protección centralizada para subestaciones inteligentes 12:00 – 12:10 Romper 12:10 – 12:45 Sesión 3 : Soluciones de control inteligente - Servidor industrial / SO Winux-RT en tiempo real / MaVIEW IEC61131-3 - Soluciones TSN / AUTBUS Ethernet 2 hilos 12:45 – 13:00 Preguntas y Respuestas Palabras de cierre Presentación General KLG / IEEE SECCION GUATEMALA Bldg: Hotel Las Americas, Avenida Las Americas 9-08, Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala, 01001

2024 IEEE Region 9 Meeting – Non-Primary Delegate

Bldg: Estelar Paipa Hotel, Estelar Paipa Hotel, https://www.estelarpaipa.com/, Paipa, Boyaca, Colombia

This link is intended for registration of Non-Primary Delegate without companion. This registration includes shared room (2 delegates per room). If you want to stay in a single room, please register in Non-Primary Delegate (no companion/single room) event. If you want to bring a companion, please register in Non-Primary Delegate (with companion) event. Bldg: Estelar Paipa Hotel, Estelar Paipa Hotel, https://www.estelarpaipa.com/, Paipa, Boyaca, Colombia

2024 IEEE Region 9 Meeting – Non-Primary Delegate (single room)

Bldg: Estelar Paipa Hotel, Estelar Paipa Hotel, https://www.estelarpaipa.com/, Paipa, Boyaca, Colombia

This link is intended for registration of Non-Primary Delegate without companion. This registration includes single room (US$ 700) (single room rate must be payed during the registration through vTools Events Plaform). If you want to stay in a double room/shared (US$ 500), please register in Non-Primary Delegate (no companion) event. If you want to bring a companion, please register in Primary Delegate (with companion) event. Bldg: Estelar Paipa Hotel, Estelar Paipa Hotel, https://www.estelarpaipa.com/, Paipa, Boyaca, Colombia

2024 IEEE Region 9 Meeting – Primary Delegate

Bldg: Estelar Paipa Hotel, Estelar Paipa Hotel, https://www.estelarpaipa.com/, Paipa, Boyaca, Colombia

This link is intended for registration of Primary Delegate without companion. This registration includes shared room (2 delegates per room). If you want to stay in a single room, you should pay a rate of US$ 300 - single room rate must be payed during the registration through vTools Events Plaform. If you want to bring a companion, please register in Primary Delegate (with companion) event. Bldg: Estelar Paipa Hotel, Estelar Paipa Hotel, https://www.estelarpaipa.com/, Paipa, Boyaca, Colombia

2024 IEEE Region 9 Meeting – Primary Delegate (companion)

Bldg: Estelar Paipa Hotel, Estelar Paipa Hotel, https://www.estelarpaipa.com/, Paipa, Boyaca, Colombia

This link is intended for registration of Primary Delegate, who want to bring a companion. The rate for the companion (US$ 500) includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, and companion program (companion rate must be payed during the registration through vTools Events Plaform). Bldg: Estelar Paipa Hotel, Estelar Paipa Hotel, https://www.estelarpaipa.com/, Paipa, Boyaca, Colombia

2024 IEEE Region 9 Meeting – Non-Primary Delegate (companion)

Bldg: Estelar Paipa Hotel, Estelar Paipa Hotel, https://www.estelarpaipa.com/, Paipa, Boyaca, Colombia

This link is intended for registration of Non-Primary Delegate, who want to bring a companion. An additional rate (US$ 500) is added to the Non-Primary Delegate (single room) registration rate to cover companion expenses, which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, and companion program (companion rate must be payed during the registration through vTools Events Plaform). Bldg: Estelar Paipa Hotel, Estelar Paipa Hotel, https://www.estelarpaipa.com/, Paipa, Boyaca, Colombia

2024 IEEE Region 9 Meeting – Special Guests

Bldg: Estelar Paipa Hotel, Estelar Paipa Hotel, https://www.estelarpaipa.com/, Paipa, Boyaca, Colombia

This link is intended for registration of Special Guests If you plan to bring a companion, you should pay a fee (US$ 500) to cover companion expenses, which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, and companion program (companion rate must be payed during the registration through vTools Events Plaform). Bldg: Estelar Paipa Hotel, Estelar Paipa Hotel, https://www.estelarpaipa.com/, Paipa, Boyaca, Colombia

2024 IEEE Region 9 Meeting – WIE/YP Meeting

Bldg: Estelar Paipa Hotel, Estelar Paipa Hotel, https://www.estelarpaipa.com/, Paipa, Boyaca, Colombia

This link is intended for registration of the atendees of the WIE/YP Meeting. This registration includes shared room (2 participants per room) from March 7 to 9. Bldg: Estelar Paipa Hotel, Estelar Paipa Hotel, https://www.estelarpaipa.com/, Paipa, Boyaca, Colombia


Bldg: Sección de Electrónica del Estado Solido Aula: bunker, Av Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508, San Pedro Zacatenco, Gustavo A. Madero, Ciudad de México, CDMX, Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal, Mexico, 07360, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/409240

El desarrollo de dispositivos electrónicos, en ocasiones, requiere de competencias técnicas y teóricas que no todos los laboratorios poseen. En esos casos algunas empresas recurren a los servicios de laboratorios y/o consultores especializados. En ocasiones la complejidad es tal que empresas pueden unir sus competencias para tratar de resolver un problema. Tal es el caso del transistor bipolar n-GaInP/p-GaAs(C)/n GaAs(Si)/GaAs, que en esta plática se toma como ejemplo. Empresas europeas (Thales, UMS, IQE), cada una por su lado, encontraron dificultades para desarrollar este transistor mismo que maneja: densidades de corriente de hasta ~120 KA/cm² y frecuencias cercanas a los 20 GHz. Transistores utilizados en aplicaciones de alta frecuencia, circuitos de gran ancho de banda y potencia. Dos investigadores de compañías diferentes interesados en el desarrollo del transistor encontraron que dado la complejidad del problema era necesario un apoyo europeo y presentaron un proyecto ante la unión europea, el cual fue aprobado (~8x106 Euros). En este seminario, el responsable de un segmento del proyecto presentará en detalle, cómo se estructuró: determinación de participantes, forma de operar y resultados principales que condujeron a un dispositivo que constituye hasta hoy el estado del arte. Lo anterior con el propósito de difundir otra forma de hacer investigación y desarrollo en el campo de los dispositivos semiconductores, marcadamente diferente a la practicada en México Co-sponsored by: Section of Solid-State Electronics (SEES), CINVESTAV-IPN. Speaker(s): PhD. Jaime Mimila, Agenda: Schedule Thursday 7th—CINVESTAV-IPN CDMX, Mexico Speaker 16:00 - 16:10 Presentation of PhD. Jaime Mimila Arroyo M.C. Jose Josue Rodriguez Pizano 16:10 - 18:00 DESARROLLO DE DISPOSITIVOS ELECTRONICOS EN LA UNIÓN EUROPEA PhD. Jaime Mimila Arroyo Bldg: Sección de Electrónica del Estado Solido Aula: bunker, Av Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508, San Pedro Zacatenco, Gustavo A. Madero, Ciudad de México, CDMX, Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal, Mexico, 07360, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/409240