
The Councils are formed by agreements of a group of adjoining Sections and exist under their consent. The Geographic Councils act as a subordinate committee of the Sections who have the right to conduct their own operation. The Geographical Councils carry out activities delegated by the Sections when a better result can be achieved by working together.

Andres Navarro
Andean Council

Fundada el / Founded in / Fundado em: 23 Junio/June/Junho 2001

Secciones/Sections/Seções: Bolivia, Colombia, Colombia Caribe, Ecuador, Perú, Venezuela, Caribe.
Jose Oniram de Aquino
Brazil Council

Fundada el / Founded in / Fundado em:  23 Marzo/March/Março 1970

Secciones/Sections/Seções: Bahia, Centro-Norte, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, South Brasil.

Karla Lagos
Capana Council

Fundada el / Founded in / Fundado em: 24 Mayo/May/Maio 1982

Secciones/Sections/Seções: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panamá.

Luis Ivan Ruiz
Mexico Council

Fundada el / Founded in / Fundado em: 1977

Secciones/Sections/Seções: México, Monterrey, Morelos, Guadalajara, Guanajuato, Centro Occidente, Aguascalientes, Querétaro, Puebla, Veracruz.

Hector O Kaschel
Cono Sur Council

Fundada el / Founded in / Fundado em: 1977

Secciones/Sections/Seções: Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Chile Sur, Uruguay.
