IEEE MOVE Interested Group Form


We are delighted with your interest in joining the IEEE MOVE Community Outreach initiative. The MOVE program is looking for qualified volunteers who not only have a deep passion for humanitarian work but also the expertise, wisdom and time to commit in support of the program. We are currently seeking candidates for leadership positions of committees and working groups for our global program expansion. Currently we are looking for volunteers in support of our programs in Puerto Rico. We realize that few people have the ability to extensively volunteer to a program such as ours. It is through the diverse efforts of committee members, each contribution their time and resources as they are able, in a combined effort that allows us to address the many programmatic needs. Information you provide will allow us to appreciate your talents and time so we can best engage you in the program. For more information, you can visit the ( webpage. Thank you! Co-sponsored by: IEEE MOVE Puerto Rico Virtual:

Programación de PLC desde cero

Ciudad de Mexico, Distrito Federal, Mexico

Es un curso de programación de PLC desde cero con la intención de introducir a los estudiantes al mundo de los PLC, el objetivo del curso es que entiendan como funciona un PLC, los tipos de lenguajes y como se programa. [] Ciudad de Mexico, Distrito Federal, Mexico

Fundamentals of vector network analysis: general functionality of Vector Network Analyzer (VNA), common measured quantities and calibration methods, low-cost/less precise alternative network analyzer equipment for education purposes


In this talk, one of the most complicated and important measurement equipment called – Vector Network Analyzer –, used in almost every RF test laboratory and many manufacturing processes for RF devices is explained. With help of a general block diagram, the typical hardware components which can be found in commercial VNAs, are described. In the next step, the measurement principle for obtaining the well-known S-parameters is discussed. Afterward, the speaker points out the main measured quantities by a vector network analyzer which RF engineers in the industry should be able to apply for the design of RF components and their validation using circuit simulation tools. The need of the VNA calibration and the common calibration methods implemented in the commercial VNAs are explained in the last step. The lecture finishes with some advices for low-cost / less precise VNAs suitable for education purposes in technical schools and universities. Co-sponsored by: MTTS Speaker(s): Miroslav Virtual:

Reunion mensual del Comité Ejecutivo IEEE, Sección Querétaro – Mayo

Queretaro, Queretaro de Arteaga, Mexico, 76270

[] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.- Apertura de la Reunión - Bienvenida por parte del presidente. - Verificación de quórum. 2.- Revisión de actividades pendientes - Actualización de Formación de asociación Civil – Tesorero - Planeación de presupuesto del periodo 2024 – Tesorero - Rembolso de gastos de visita Jawad - Tesorero - Planeación bussines to beer – Young Professional - Actualización de redes sociales - Web master - Situación con conferencia de superficies y tribología - Presidente 3.- Ronda de Preguntas y Comentarios - Espacio para preguntas y comentarios de los miembros. 4.- Cierre de la Reunión. - Palabras finales del presidente. - Clausura oficial de la reunión. Queretaro, Queretaro de Arteaga, Mexico, 76270

IEEE CASS Student Meet-up and Celebration of the 75th CASS Anniversary

Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

The IEEE CASS Student Meet-up will occur during the South School of Microelectronics (EMICRO 2024), and it will involve Student Chapter presentations, a presentation about the CASS Rio Grande do Sul Chapter Chapter followed by a social event. In addition, the event will also give a presentation about the Circuits and Systems Society in celebration of its 75th anniversary, along with the EMICRO 25th anniversary and the South Simposium of Microelectronics 40th anniversary. Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil



[]En el marco del 75 aniversario de CASS IEEE, invitamos la comunidad científica, tecnológica e industrial, a la plática con el Dr. Alejandro Díaz Méndez, titular de la Unidad de Articulación Sectorial y Regional del Conahcyt (México), miembro distinguido de nuestra sociedad. En esta plática haremos una reflexión sobre la relación de CASS IEEE Sección México, con grupos de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico, en la sociedad mexicana, así como su interacción con otros capítulos regionales en America Latina. Haremos una reseña histórica y se plantearan algunos escenarios futuros en los ámbitos académico, científico, tecnológico y de desarrollo industrial, en México. Co-sponsored by: IEEE Mexico Section Agenda: - PRESENTACIÓN Y SEMBLANZA DEL DR. ALEJANDRO DÍAZ MÉNDEZ - DESARROLLO DEL TEMA CON TEMAS DE REFLEXION - PREGUNTAS DE LOS ASISTENTES - CONCLUSIONES - CIERRE Y PROMOCIÓN DE LAS RAMAS ESTUDIANTILES PRESENTES Virtual:

Circuit Talks: Xplorando Microcontroladores Edición 2024

Jr. Medrano Silva 165, Barranco 15063, Lima, Lima, Peru, 51

Este evento tiene como enfoque traer dos ponentes que puedan informar sobre las aplicaciones aplicaciones de los microcontroladores para estudiantes principiantes. [] Co-sponsored by: IEEE CAS UNMSM Speaker(s): Miguel Torres, Nicolás Gruñovero Jr. Medrano Silva 165, Barranco 15063, Lima, Lima, Peru, 51

reunión de equipo

Bogota, Distrito Capital de Bogota, Colombia

Prueba bogota, Distrito Capital de Bogota, Colombia

IEEE -Quantum Technologies: Threat and Security.


Quantum Computing is often presented as one of the most promising technologies of the 21st century, a total disruption, a revolution. Governments, technologists, marketers, investors, and analysts project that Quantum Computing will solve today's impossible problems with classical computers. However, the wonders of this emerging technology of computation also give rise to a new threat vector named Q-Day or Quantum Attacks, which means a threat to the current Communication Security due to the Quantum Computer’s future power to break asymmetric encryption and speed up brute force attacks for symmetric encryption. Therefore, communication security needs revolutionary and innovative solutions, a complete cryptographic system, and new technologies supporting various aspects of CIA triad and Privacy protection. The Question arises: Can we develop such a scheme of secure communication that cannot be broken? Quantum Communication technologies might provide that by harnessing the laws of nature and Post Quantum Cryptographic solutions might provide that by finding more complex mathematical problems, but is that the answer we look for in cybersecurity? In this talk, I will explain what a quantum computer is, what a quantum advantage or quantum supremacy is, and why the world is thrown into a quantum race. I also will tackle the application side of quantum computation as a threat vector to our communication security and the state of the art of this technology in relation to cybersecurity. The technological solutions proposed to mitigate the quantum threat will be explained, and the talk will conclude with further steps required for achieving communication and information security. Co-sponsored by: jonathan yam <[email protected]> Speaker(s): Angie, Virtual:


Room: 3209828998, Bldg: GREGORIO XIII, CARRERA 9 51 11, BOGOTÁ, Distrito Capital de Bogota, Colombia, 110231

Se hace una serie de actividades y competencias en la universidad con el objetivo de integrar a todos los estudiantes de ingeniería electrónica en la universidad santo tomas durante una semana completa con eventos por parte de IEEE como ayuda de representación electrónica. Por parte de IEEE se hace una competencia de diseño de cañones. Co-sponsored by: Lorenzo Martínez Sandoval Room: 3209828998, Bldg: GREGORIO XIII, CARRERA 9 51 11, BOGOTÁ, Distrito Capital de Bogota, Colombia, 110231


Panama, Panama, Panama

En esta actividad hablaremos de robótica, tecnologías, avances en robótica, tipos de robots en la industria, control y automatización, etc. Co-sponsored by: Evelisse Osorio Panama, Panama, Panama

Seguridad e Higiene en la Operación de Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia


En este webinar de acceso libre se describirán puntos importantes sobre el marco normativo de seguridad y salud en el trabajo aplicado a maniobras de elementos eléctricos de un Sistema Eléctrico de Potencia. En cumplimiento al marco normativo del Manual Regulatorio de Coordinación Operativa, Capítulo 800: Seguridad e Higiene, CFE Transmisión, Capítulo 100: Seguridad e Higiene, CFE Distribución, Manual de Programación de Salidas, Procedimiento de Supervisiones Efectivas de CFE Transmisión, entre otros. [] Co-sponsored by: CFE Transmisión, Puebla. Speaker(s): Dr. Mar Villegas, Agenda: - Bienvenida - Presentación del ponente - Desarrollo del webinar - Preguntas y Respuestas - Cierre Virtual: