Results: 2022 IEEE MGA Awards
We announce the winners in the region of the awards granted by IEEE MGA. Our region congratulates the following:

IEEE MGA Achievement Award (Global)
Ivan Pablo Armuelles Voinov (IEEE Panama Section, R9)
Citation: «For outstanding contributions to Section educational activities by promoting Robotics and Automation Society and others initiatives within and outside IEEE“

IEEE MGA Diversity & Inclusion Award (Global)
Reiron Ruan de Oliveira Lopes (IEEE Northeast Brazil Section, R9)
Citation: «For enhancing inclusion and diversity in the Northeast Brazil Section and for implementing practices in the XXIII Region 9 Student Branches“

IEEE MGA Leadership Award (Global)
Lorena Garcia (IEEE Colombia Section, R9)
Citation: «For sustained leadership and commitment in improving the outreach of IEEE to members and to the next generation of STEM professionals globally“

2022 IEEE MGA Young Professionals Achievement Award (Global)
Waldir Ventura Filho (IEEE South Brazil Section, R9)
Citation: «For outstanding contributions to student and Young Professionals’ engagement activities in the IEEE Brazil Council and Region 9»