Regional Committees

Ethics Refreshment – Session 3

This series of Ethics Workshops was organized by the R9-SAC and the R9-EthicsC to raise awareness of Ethics amongst the R9 members, particularly students. These workshops address topics such as professional Ethics, Ethics implications of technology and the IEEE Code of Ethics (CoE). Every workshop …

Ethics Refreshment

This series of Ethics Workshops was organized by the R9-SAC and the R9-EthicsC to raise awareness of Ethics amongst the R9 members, particularly students. These workshops address topics such as professional Ethics, Ethics implications of technology and the IEEE Code of Ethics (CoE). Every workshop …

Future of Workforce – 2022


¿Quieres conocer cómo los cambios sociales y tecnológicos influyen en el mercado laboral? El Comité de Industria de IEEE R9 te invita a participar en nuestro Foro sobre el Futuro del Empleo en Latinoamérica IEEE R9, en el que discutiremos con expertos en diferentes áreas …

NoticIEEEro – Call for Articles December 2022

Dear Member,

NoticIEEEro is the Region 9 quarterly publication that enables the dissemination of non-scientific information.

Our date for receiving articles for the next edition has begun.

Deadline: December 10th, 2022 


▸ No more than 2 pages

▸ Scientific documents will not be accepted

▸ Only IEEE or engineering notes will be accepted

▸ Lettersize are required

▸ The documents, should be sent to the email:

NoticIEEEro …

SBRM 2023 Registration Offer

[su_box title=»Sorry for the inconvenience» box_color=»#F73F43″]At the moment the content is only available in Spanish.[/su_box]

¡Traemos una gran noticia!

Tenemos una nueva oferta: si te registras en grupos de 2, antes del 15 de octubre cada uno pagará solo $200 USD cada uno!!! ¡No te pierdas está oferta!

El comité del …