Nominations & Awards

Call for Nominations: 2024 Award for Distinguished Ethical Practices

Call for Nominations 2024 Award for Distinguished Ethical Practices
Do you know someone who has risen above others, demonstrating the highest standards of ethics and integrity? Or, are you part of an organization that has inspired others to share a vision of extraordinary ethical principles and …

2024 IEEE Region 9 Awards Winners

2024 IEEE Region 9 Awards Winners
Dear Region 9 colleagues,
With great excitement and pride we announce the distinguished winners of the 2024 IEEE Region 9 Awards. After a rigorous evaluation process, we have identified those whose exceptional contributions have made an indelible mark in their respective …

Nominations for 2024 IEEE Region 9 Awards

Dear Region 9 colleagues,
Nominations are open for 2024 IEEE Region 9 Awards. This is a great opportunity to recognize the achievements of our distinguished members and volunteers. This year, we will continue using OpenWater for the nominations. This is the system used by the IEEE …

Results: 2022 IEEE MGA Awards

We announce the winners in the region of the awards granted by IEEE MGA. Our region congratulates the following:

IEEE MGA Achievement Award (Global)

Ivan Pablo Armuelles Voinov (IEEE Panama Section, R9)

Citation: «For outstanding contributions to Section educational activities by promoting Robotics and Automation Society and others …

Regional Life Member Individual Service Award Winners

Miembros de IEEE Región 9,

Les comunicamos que se ha completado la evaluación de propuesta para reconocimientos de IEEE para LMAG Achievement e Individual Service Award. Este año para la Región 9 los galardonados son:

LMAG Achievement Award to Argentina Section

Individual Service Award to LM Gustavo Adrian …