Awards and Recognition
[su_note note_color=»#669dff» text_color=»#FFFFFF»]We are working on the content of this section[/su_note]
The objective of this committee is to identify those members who have excelled for their performance, and recognize them with the different awards that the Region and the global IEEE have. Likewise, it is the objective of this committee to publicize the prizes awarded to create encouragement in other members.
Functions of the Awards and Recognition Committee
- Spread and promote nominations among the members of the Region for the different awards available to the IEEE..
- Recommend the establishment or repeal of awards and recognitions within the Region.
- Publish all the IEEE awards and recognitions that are available to IEEE members or entities of the Latin American Region.
- The Committee will pass judgment on all nominations received for awards or recognitions that are awarded at the Region level.
- The Committee will make recommendations on the granting of them to the Regional Committee at each Regional Meeting, according to the particular regulations that define each award or recognition.
- Keep track of the recipients of the different awards of the Region, publishing this list on the website of the Region.
- Propose candidates for awards when there are no proposals, or declare a prize vacant.
- Propose the creation of new awards which must be approved by the Regional Committee.
- Keep the electronic portal updated where all the awards available to members of Region 9 are announced.