En marcha

IEEE MOVE Interested Group Form

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/407879

We are delighted with your interest in joining the IEEE MOVE Community Outreach initiative. The MOVE program is looking for qualified volunteers who not only have a deep passion for humanitarian work but also the expertise, wisdom and time to commit in support of the program. We are currently seeking candidates for leadership positions of committees and working groups for our global program expansion. Currently we are looking for volunteers in support of our programs in Puerto Rico. We realize that few people have the ability to extensively volunteer to a program such as ours. It is through the diverse efforts of committee members, each contribution their time and resources as they are able, in a combined effort that allows us to address the many programmatic needs. Information you provide will allow us to appreciate your talents and time so we can best engage you in the program. For more information, you can visit the (https://move.ieee.org/) webpage. Thank you! Co-sponsored by: IEEE MOVE Puerto Rico Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/407879

Taller Veranito Feliz 2025

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/460332

El proyecto Veranito Feliz 2025 consiste en capacitar a niños en temas de liderazgo, herramientas educativas, ciberseguridad, participación de la mujer en tecnologia, Inteligencia artificial, uso de scratch, python, diseño de circuitos, metodologia de investigación, entre otros. Speaker(s): Rut Alcide, Yolany Tuñón, Maura Nuñez, Denis Rubin Agenda: Agenda será dividida por niveles con una duración de 3 horas sabatina durante seis semana Nivel Básico Trabajando con niños Educando con TIC Seguridad Scratch Educando con TIC Liderazgo/Mujeres IA y la Etica en la IA Scratch Nivel Intremedio Trabajando con niños Educando con TIC Seguridad Tinkercad Gestiòn de proyecto Educando con TIC Liderazgo/Mujeres IA y la Etica en la IA Tinkercad Gestiòn de proyecto Nivel Avanzado Trabajando con niños Educando con TIC Seguridad Lógica de programaciòn Trinket Educando con TIC Liderazgo/Mujeres IA y la Etica en la IA Trinket BlockPy Nivel excepcional Trabajando con niños Educando con TIC Seguridad Metodologia de investigación Mundos virtuales Educando con TIC Liderazgo/Mujeres IA y la Etica en la IA Metodologia de investigación Mundos virtuales Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/460332

Interacción Humano-Robot en la agricultura

Ladron de Guevara, Ecuador, Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador

Event Title: Human-Robot Interaction in Agriculture Description: Organized by the Department of Industrial Automation and Control, in collaboration with the RAS Technical Chapter of the IEEE Student Branch at Escuela Politécnica Nacional, this event featured Dr. Juan Pablo Vásconez, a professor and researcher at Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile. Dr. Vásconez shared his expertise on how human-robot interaction (HRI) strategies are revolutionizing the agricultural industry. These strategies aim to develop collaborative robotic systems powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that can interact more fluidly, naturally, and effectively with humans in complex agricultural tasks such as harvesting, pruning, transportation, and monitoring. The event emphasized the critical role of robotics and artificial intelligence in addressing challenges such as labor shortages in the agricultural sector while enhancing efficiency and improving collaboration between humans and machines. Special Guest: Dr. Juan Pablo Vásconez Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering, expert in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics applied to precision agriculture.[] Co-sponsored by: DACI Ladron de Guevara, Ecuador, Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador