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IEEE MOVE Puerto Rico Meeting

mayo 20 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm AST

Hurricane Season 2024 forecasts show that it will be an ( Puerto Rico communities have endured past natural disasters, such as Hurricane Maria and Fiona. As survivors, many of us have experienced the need to help after a disaster without having a clear view of what to do.
The MOVE program offers the opportunity to help in moments like this and organizes collaboration with the American Red Cross in the USA and Puerto Rico. Now, the MOVE program is part of the (
If you are interested in volunteering with the MOVE Program in Puerto Rico, join us next Monday, May 20, from 6:00 pm to discuss how you can contribute to our program and humanity. (
If you cannot attend, you can sign up ( Our team will contact you. Thank you!
MOVE Puerto Rico Volunteering Opportunities
Since 2020, MOVE Puerto Rico has been a chapter of the IEEE MOVE International Program. IEEE volunteers collaborate with the Red Cross in their disaster response. MOVE Puerto Rico has been deployed in two disasters (Floodings and Hurricane Fiona, 2022).
The program in Puerto Rico has the following volunteering areas, where any IEEE member can join.
· Communications (Radio Amateur, Starlink, High-Frequency Antennas and Radios)
· Red Cross Volunteer (Disaster Service Technology Associates representing IEEE)
· Outreach Activities (STEM at schools, universities)
· Equipment Maintenance (Radio, solar panels, and inverter tests, inventory)
· Volunteer Engagement (Recruitment, Meetings)
· Fundraising (Branding, Creation of donation packages)
Attached the latest MOVE newsletter with Puerto Rico highlights. For more information, visit our website:
See you soon,
Loderay Bracero Marrero
Chair, IEEE MOVE International Puerto Rico
Vice Chair, R9 Representative, MOVE Global Committee, HTB
1. Welcoming
2. Red Cross Disaster Flooding
3. Areas of interest
4. Teams Reporting
5. O/A