Regional Meeting 2023
Panama City
Table of Contents
The Region 9 2023 Regional Meeting will be conducted in a face-to-face format in the City of Panama from March 9 – 11. During this meeting we will celebrate the 50 Anniversary of the creation of the Panama Section along with the activities from our region.


Place: Riu Plaza Panama / Panama City
Address: Calle 50 con 53 este
Urb. Marbella – Ciudad de Panamá – Panamá
Airport: Tocumen International Airport (PTY)
Airline Limit costs: IEEE R9 RM2023 Airfare Limits
For those who are Sections Chairs or Vice Chairs representing your Sections and Council Chairs, Committee Chairs, you must select the registration type “Primary Delegate” and continue with the registration.
- For those members of the Committees select “Committee Member”
- For those members of the ExCom please select “ExComm member”
It is important to complete the registration before February 17th.
As indicated before, the Region 9 will be covering transportation expenses in a reimbursement basis including taxis (home-airport-home and airport-hotel-airport) while local expenses of lodging and food will be covered directly by the Region.
For those members that may require COVID-19 Test before departing due to regulations in their countries, the Region 9 will be covering the cost of those tests that will be performed at the hotel. Previous programing of the test is required. Details will be included in the FAQ reference.
Schedule and Participation
- ExCom Meeting
- Committees Meetings (selected committees): Presence of members of the selected Committees and Chairs are required
- Training of Officers: Section and Council Chairs
- Operations Committee Meeting: All Regional Committees Chairs and ExCom
- Regional Meeting: All Sections Chairs, Councils Chairs, Committees Chairs and ExCom
- Regional Meeting: All Sections Chairs, Councils Chairs, Committees Chairs and ExCom
- Young Professionals and WIE Meetings