In 2010, the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) launched a new conference called Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT). The first event was held in January, on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) conference center, in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.

The absolute success of the first conference and the numerous requests from PES members calling for the event to be the inspiration for establishing the ISGT as a series of conferences and to broaden the scope of the conference to include annual offers in the USA, Europe, America Latin America, Asia, Australia and the Middle East.

The conference’s target audience are researchers, innovators, decision makers, regulators, investors, industry experts and solution providers in all fields of study and work related to Smart Grids.

The first edition of the conference in Latin America, ISGT-LA, was held between October 19 and 21, 2011, in Medellín, Colombia.

The city of São Paulo, Brazil hosted the second ISGT-LA. The conference was held from April 15 to 17, 2013.

The 2015 ISGT-LA was held from October 5 to 7 in Montevideo, Uruguay. The IEEE Uruguay section and the local PES chapter were responsible for organizing the conference.

In 2017, the conference was held from September 20-22 in Quito, Ecuador.

In 2019, the conference took place in the beautiful city of Gramado, in southern Brazil. This time, ISGT-LA was organized by the Federal University of Santa Maria and their IEEE Joint Chapter and PES Chapter.

In 2021, the conference was held virtually from September 15 to 17 and was organized by the Peru Section and the Society of Power and Energy.

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