We have great news to share with you! The IEEE Foundation has just confirmed their support for our R9 IEEE Entrepreneurship Ambassadors Program! This means we will be able to offer more benefits in the awards and prizes!

If you haven’t applied to the program yet and want to become an ambassador to promote entrepreneurship in your area, you have until June 30th to apply. Your events must take place before October 1st this year. Apply now! – https://entrepreneurship.ieee.org/latin-america-region-team-ambassador-program/

If you have applied, please don’t miss the opportunity to follow up with your assigned mentor. Take full advantage of their experience and contacts to maximize your event’s success! Also, please don’t forget to add IEEE Entrepreneurship logo and iEEE Foundation logo to your official communications. Tagging us on social media creates the traction we need to promote entrepreneurship in all LatinAmerica!

Please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions. We are here to support you and ensure your events are successful.

Our regional startup pitch competition will happen in October, and your role in promoting startups of your countries to participate is key. Let’s make this a great success together!