2024 IEEE Region 9 Awards Winners

Dear Region 9 colleagues,

With great excitement and pride we announce the distinguished winners of the 2024 IEEE Region 9 Awards. After a rigorous evaluation process, we have identified those whose exceptional contributions have made an indelible mark in their respective fields of engineering and technology.

We are immensely pleased to present the outstanding winners of the 2024 IEEE Region 9 Awards:

IEEE Region 9 Eminent Engineer Award

Recognition to those members of Region 9 Sections that have contributed significantly to the promotion and development of IEEE fields.


Ph D. Monica Huerta
IEEE Ecuador Section

For her contributions in telemedicine that implemented tangible solutions that address the specific needs of those suffering from neurodegenerative diseases




Ph D.Jose Pineda
IEEE Queretaro Section

For his contributions to dynamical systems and control with the Ehécatl (VEh) ventilator.



IEEE Region 9 Meritorious Service Award

Recognition to the R9 members who, through their professional and technical capacities, have carried out outstanding contribution to the IEEE, its communities, profession companions and colleagues.

Ph D. Glauco Fontgalland
IEEE Northeast Brazil Section

For his outstanding and noteworthy contributions to the Institute, their communities, fellow professionals and fellow men.



IEEE Region 9 «Oscar C. Fernandez» Outstanding Volunteer Award

Recognition to IEEE Region 9 Volunteers who had an outstanding performance in their Section.


Ph D. Ivan Armuelles
IEEE Panama Section

For his continued commitment and contributions in the activities of his section



IEEE Region 9 Outstanding Student and Young Professional Activities Supporter Award

Recognition to the contribution to the student and/or young professionals (YP) activities in IEEE Latin America.


M Sc. Alison Candido
IEEE Northeast Brazil Section

For his outstanding work with student branches and young professional members



IEEE Region 9 Best Contribution to the IEEE Latin America History Award

Recognition of the value of written contributions of IEEE volunteers to the History of the IEEE in Region 9.


Ph D. Juan Miguez
IEEE Uruguay Section




Eng. Jorge Him
IEEE Panama Section






Ph D. Marco Chen
IEEE Panama Section



IEEE Region 9 Outstanding Section Award

Recognition to the outstanding success of a Section when attempting to fulfill its goals in accordance with the IEEE policy through the organization of technical, professional and geographical activities for the benefit of members and through supporting the Student Branches and Chapters, Society Chapters and Affinity Groups within its geographic boundary.

IEEE Region 9 Best Achievement of the Year Award

Offered to the Section that, in the Region 9 Regional Committee´s view, has carried out a relevant activity in the year previous to the Regional Meeting that deserves recognition when applying the assessment criteria.

with the initiative «Proyecto IEEErmao»


IEEE Region 9 Discretional Award

This award is designed to provide tools to the Regional Director so that he or she can recognize individual contributions to the Region, Sections and IEEE, based on the achievements and contributions of volunteers.

Eng. Christian Figueroa
IEEE Puerto Rico Section

For his outstanding contributions with SAC TEAM 2023 to the Students Activities growth in Region 9, and Membership Development, reaching the global highest membership growth, and leveraging the future of the Region.



M Sc. Roxana Saint-Nom
IEEE Argentina Section

For her leadership in the Industry Engagement process in the Region



M Sc. Leidy Ferro
IEEE Colombia Section

For her outstanding contributions and support for the organization of the Region 9 Student Branch Regional Meeting, IEEE IHTC and Region 9 Regional Meeting celebrated in the Paipa, Colombia, from March 7th to 9th, 2024.


Also IEEE Region 9 gave special recognitions to Ecuador and Northeast Brazil Sections for their 50th Anniversary and to Colombia Section for their valuable contributions in the organization of the major regional event the IEEE Regional 9 Meeting 2024.

Congratulations to all the winners of the IEEE Region 9 Awards 2024, may your work continue to inspire and illuminate the path forward for generations to come, and your excellence serves as an inspiration to all of us, to continue fulfilling IEEE’s mission: Advancing technology for humanity.

Best regards,

Alejandra Orellana
Chair, IEEE R9 Awards and Recognitions 2024-2025