
Dear S-SACs,

We are sending important information about the IEEE Day Contest that the IEEE R9 SAC Team are launching at Region 9. We ask you to share this information with all students in your Section.

The main objective of this competition is to reward the Student Branches of the region who have excelled in performing an activity by the IEEE Day 2014, either because he had a proper organization, good audience, won an award, generated funds and resources, among others.

Below, a summary of the contest:

  • Eligibility: all students and Student Branches in the Region, as well as affinity groups YP, WIE and SIGHT may participate.
  • It is mandatory to load tuhe activity on the web of the IEEE Day: before Sunday October 5 at 23:59 pm.
  • It is important to attach information to support the organization of the activity (images, videos, etc.).
  • Considerations: here.
  • Prizes: 1st place: 250 USD and a certificate. 2nd place: 150 USD and a certificate. 3rd place: 100 USD and a certificate.
  • Deadline: Send the report until Sunday October 24th at 23:59 pm. (GMT -3).
  • Sending reports: via email to and, copied to the RSR ( and R SAC ( In Case you must specify “IEEE Day Contest – [Section] – [University].”

I invite you to encourage students in their sections.
