Travel Grants For R9 Students: 2022 APSURISI
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting
DENVER, USA, July 10th to 15th, 2022
The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) is encouraging and promoting the participation of Region 9 students in the Symposium. To this end, we are sponsoring a special program consisting of 20 grants of USD 1500 each, for supporting the travel expenses of students with papers accepted in the Symposium. The papers should be submitted through the Symposium’s regular process and, once accepted, the student can apply for the grant. Only the best 20 works will be selected. The winners will be acknowledged at the APS/URSI 2022 Awards Ceremony in Denver.
Who can apply?
To be eligible, the applicant must:
- Be a full-time registered student (BS, MS or Ph.D.), enrolled in electrical engineering or related program at an accredited institution in a country in the IEEE Region 9 (Latin-America and the Caribbean).
- Have submitted at least one first-authored paper to be presented by the student in-person at the AP-S Symposium, and the paper must be accepted. Please have in mind that the deadline for submission of papers to the symposium is February 11th, 2022, at
- Have the endorsement of a faculty advisor, member of IEEE AP-S.
A student may receive only one travel grant. An advisor may endorse up to two applicants for this competition.
How to apply?
Send an email to with the following information:
- Paper accepted at the Symposium (please include the paper number and the pdf of the paper)
- Brief resume or curriculum vitae, no more than two pages long.
- Recommendation letter (maximum 2 pages) from a faculty advisor, who must be a member of the IEEE AP-S. The letter should discuss the student’s interest and aptitude in the fields related to AP-S and provide justification of the student’s need for the travel grant.
What’s the selection criteria?
The grants committee will select the 20 best papers submitted from Region 9, based on:
- Quality of the research and content and writing of the paper.
- Endorsement letter
What does the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society wants in return?
The main goal of this contest is promoting AP-S in the region, and we are asking the sponsored students to help us in this effort. After the Symposium, the awardees must prepare a 2-minute video, addressed to other students, outlining the experience of the student at APS/URSI 2022 Denver conference and outlining the activities and objectives of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society based on the student’s experience. The video will be uploaded to the AP-S social media platforms. Instructions and assistance on how to prepare the video will be provided by the R9 Grants committee and the AP Society.
Important Dates:
- Submission of Papers to the Symposium deadline: February 11th, 2022,
- Notification of Paper Acceptance in the Symposium: March 15th, 2022
- R9 Student Grant application deadline, March 21st, 2022
- Announcement of R9 Student Grant winners April 21st, 2022
- Symposium Registration Deadline, May 31st, 2022
The contest and grants are supported by the IEEE AP-S Committee for Promoting Equality (COPE) and the IEEE AP-S Membership and Benefits Committee.
Each travel grant recipient will be required to complete appropriate forms needed for delivery and use of the grant money.. Disbursement of award funds will be contingent on receipt of the forms. All applicable taxes are the responsibility of the recipient. This award is administered in accordance with the IEEE policy on conflict of interest.
Enquiries on the R9 Student Travel Grants should be directed to: Professor Felix Vega, National University of Colombia,, Secretary of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society and Region 9 Outreach Coordinator for the Steering and Organizing Committee of the APS/URSI 2022 Denver Conference.