Latin America

Tribute to Women in Engineering 2022

[su_box title=»Sorry for the inconvenience» box_color=»#F73F43″]At the moment the content is only available in Spanish.[/su_box]

IEEE Sección México y la Región 9 les invitan a participar de las festividades del Centenario de la Fundación del IEEE Sección México.
En esta ocasión y reconociendo el valor y profesionalismo de …

First Keynote Conference of the Centennial Celebration IEEE Mexico Section

[su_box title=»Sorry for the inconvenience» box_color=»#F73F43″]At the moment the content is only available in Spanish.[/su_box]

                        “Asegurando el Futuro de la Ingeniería a través de la Juventud de Las Américas”

Por el

Dr. Jorge Alberto Vanegas PabónDirectivo de la Universidad de Texas A&MPresidente de la Academia Panamericana de Ingeniería


IEEE CASS Student Travel Grant Nominations 1º Submission

CASS offers Student Travel Grants to enable the winners to present their research work at CASS flagship conferences.
Important Dates:

Submission Deadline 1: 1 February 2022
Submission Deadline 2: 1 May 2022
Submission Deadline 3: 1 August 2022
Submission Deadline 4: 1 October 2022

Prize:The amount of financial assistance provided to …

Travel Grants For R9 Students: 2022 APSURISI

2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting

DENVER, USA, July  10th to 15th, 2022


The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) is encouraging and promoting the participation of Region 9 students in …

Invitación a la Reunión Regional 2022.

[su_box title=»Disculpe las molestias» box_color=»#F73F43″]El contenido esta disponible solamente en Ingles[/su_box]

Dear Region 9 Volunteers
With great pleasure and enthusiasm, I would like to confirm our Region 9 2022 Regional Meeting that will be conducted in a face-to-face format in the City of Mexico from march 9 …

UTP researcher receives award as outstanding young woman in Latin America

[su_box title=»Sorry for the inconvenience» box_color=»#F73F43″]At the moment the content is only available in Spanish.[/su_box]
Yessica Sáez, ha sido condecorada con el Premio Joven Profesional de Latinoamérica, otorgado por la Sociedad de Comunicaciones (ComSoc) del Instituto de Ingenieros Eléctricos y Electrónicos (IEEE), como reconocimiento a su …

Nominaciones para los premios de la Región 9 del IEEE de 2022

[su_box title=»Disculpen las molestias» style=»default» box_color=»#F73F43″ title_color=»#FFFFFF» radius=»0″]Por el momento el contenido esta disponible solamente en ingles.[/su_box]

Dear Region 9 colleagues, 
Happy, healthy and prosperous 2022 to you and yours.
Nominations are open for 2022 IEEE Region 9 Awards. This is a great opportunity to recognize the achievements of …

Nominations for 2022 IEEE Region 9 Awards

Dear Region 9 colleagues, 
Happy, healthy and prosperous 2022 to you and yours.
Nominations are open for 2022 IEEE Region 9 Awards. This is a great opportunity to recognize the achievements of our distinguished members and volunteers. This year, we will continue using OpenWater for the nomination. This …

Happy Holidays

IEEE Region 9
Whishes you Happy Holidays