Dear Region 9 colleagues,

On behalf of IEEE Region 9 Nominations Committee (R9NC), I am inviting you to send nominations of candidates for the position of Region 9 Director-Elect 2026-2027 (Region Director 2028-2029). The deadline for receiving nominations (Annex 1 format) is October 15, 2024. Upon reception of nominations, the Region 9 Nominations Committee will ask each candidate to present by October 30, 2024 a biography, a statement of plan and program for the performance of duties and a letter confirming the desire to serve, as it is indicated in the Annex 2.

From October 31, 2024, the Region 9 Nominations Committee will examine the proposals received and make its recommendation of the pre-candidates to Region 9 Regional Committee, for approval and the selection of candidates for the 2025 elections, at the 2025 Region 9 Regional Meeting.

The Regional Director-Elect elected by members in Region 9 shall reside in the Region, be of Senior Member Grade or higher and have experience in regional activities, either through participating in the Regional Committee or Chair of Section/Committee. The candidate should know IEEE beyond the limits of his/her section.

Since candidates will represent Latin America and Caribbean, they should be able to express their ideas in the English language when working as member of the IEEE Board of Directors and the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board.

It is highly recommended that the nomination of a possible candidate is endorsed by his/her local section by a confidential letter/email sent to the chair of the Nominations Committee.

Obviously, the vocation of service is not enough, but it is also necessary to have enough time to devote oneself to serving selflessly to meet the requirements of the Region, the different Sections, as well as the Members in general. It is essential to have a good dose of enthusiasm, leadership and creativity and great ability to create consensus.

By criteria of rotation, explicit in Regional Bylaws, candidates cannot be presented from countries represented by the Region Director-Elect, Region Past-Director and the Region Director in office (Mexico, Ecuador and Puerto Rico). Also, after completion of the term of service as Region 9 Director, individuals shall not be eligible to serve a second full term.

The person elected will serve for a period of two (2) years as Region 9 Director-Elect (2026-2027), two years (2) as Region 9 Director (2028-2029), and finally two (2) years as Region 9 Past-Director (2030-2031).


The following process will be used by the Region 9 Nominations Committee to prepare the list of candidates.

Any member of the R9, preferably a volunteer of the Regional Committee, may propose candidates for Region 9 Director-Elect position. The nominator must provide the candidate´s qualifications, short biography and will to serve. Nominations must be presented in English, in the form provided in Annex 1 and shall be received by the N&A Committee by October 15, 2024, 12:00PM UTC/GMT -5, by e-mail to

Upon reception of proposals, the Region 9 Nominations Committee will ask each candidate for a biography, a statement of plan and program for the performance of duties and a letter confirming the desire to serve, as it is indicated in the Annex 2. This documentation will have to be submitted by the candidate by 30 October 2024. Since this document will be sent to the IEEE headquarters, the information must be presented in English.

After collecting all nominations, the Region 9 Nominations Committee will select not less than two (2) and not more than three (3) potential candidates whose names will be submitted to the Regional Committee for consideration in the next regional meeting (2025). The chair of Region 9 Nominations Committee will inform the Regional Director on its recommendation preferably before the end of 2024. The Regional Director will then inform the nominees and members of the Regional Committee on the decision of the Nominations Committee.

Candidates, evaluated but not selected by Region 9 Nominations Committee, can be nominated no later than ten days prior to the 2025 R9 Regional Committee meeting if the signatures of eleven voting members of the R9 Regional Committee accompany the nomination. Nominations shall be submitted to a designee specified by Region 9 Director, who will promptly inform the R9 Regional Committee members of those nominees qualifying under this provision.

The Regional Committee will receive the list of the proposed qualified candidates for the Director-Elect position before the Region 9 Regional Meeting 2025. For each candidate, there will be a biography, IEEE activities record, plan and program for the performance of duties and the letter confirming the desire to serve.

The Regional Committee, by secret voting during the plenary session of the Region 9 Regional Meeting 2025, will select a slate of a minimum of two and maximum of three preliminary candidates, who will be the candidates recommended by Region 9. The Region 9 Director shall submit this slate to the IEEE Board of Directors by March 15 of 2025.


Teofilo Ramos
IEEE Region 9 Nominations Committee, Chair 2024-2025