El 30 de noviembre en modo virtual.

ARGENCON is the premium biennial congress of the Argentina Section of the IEEE. From 1 to 4 December 2020 there will be oral presentations of research papers, plenary conferences and poster sessions.

Topics cover different disciplines such as Aeronautics and Space, Bioengineering, Cybersecurity and Cyber defense, Communications, Education, Robotics and more, including Video Games and Gamification.


The IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Argentina together with the Games Technical Committee will hold on Monday, November 30, the ninth edition of the Regional Computational Intelligence Tournament as a pre-congress activity of ARGENCON 2020.

The TRIC IX will call for the submission and presentation of works related to intelligent systems, video games and gamification, among other topics. During the event, workshops, presentations and project exhibition will be held.


The call is OPEN. Apply on this page.
Chair: Graciela Esnaola Horacek
Co-Chair: María Daniela López de Luise

Confirmed activities

  • UNITY: Workshop by Alexandre Kikuchi (Tech Evangelist for Latin America, Unity Technologies)
  • ESPORTS: UADER Student Branch
  • KRONOS: Demo by UADER
  • EDUCATIONAL BOOK: Jam by Nahuel Morales (Ludodidactas)
  • TRANSMEDIA DESIGN: Workshop by Durgan A. Nallar (GTC)

Certificates and awards will be issued.


The Games Technical Committee invites all people interested in video game research and education to register a free membership; and to contribute to the formation of an international vocabulary standard specific to the video game industry.

Chair PC: Daniela López De Luise
Vice-chair PC: Durgan A. Nallar
Email inquiries: t[email protected] / [email protected]

ABOUT ARGENCON 2020 (#49523)

For more information on IEEE Argentina's biennial congress, including the call for job submissions, important dates and speakers, please contact the official ARGENCON website.