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FREE COURSE: Introduction to Godot Engine 2-8

Continuing the weekly series of eight-week introductory training in Godot Engine, we present the following series of videos taught by Professor Gastón Caminiti.
As we said in the first class, you can download the initial project at this Github link.
The videos of the week cover the …

FREE COURSE: Introduction to the Godot Engine

From the GTC we inaugurated this weekly publication space for introductory training in The Godot Engine of eight weeks, with the intention of continuing the series of webinars in this technology, held at the beginning of this year and as an ante-room of the course …

TRIC IX will be held under ARGENCON 2020

El 30 de noviembre en modo virtual.

ARGENCON is the premium biennial congress of the Argentina Section of the IEEE. From 1 to 4 December 2020 there will be oral presentations of research papers, plenary conferences and poster sessions.
Topics cover different disciplines such as Aeronautics and …

Emanuel Berdichevsky

Degree in Computer Science, Consultant IT & Project Manager freelance, and father of Alina.
Video game lover from my old Atari 2600 and teacher (vocation only). The curiosity of how to mix these 2 passions in order to generate motivation in the current generation of students, …

Alejandro Iparraguirre

Alejandro Andrés Iparraguirre
Senior Technician in Marketing and Electronics Technician, it is developed as a producer, designer and cultural manager promoting the video game industry.
Professor of the Bachelor of Electronic Arts of (UNTREF National University of Three of February) and Professor of the Interactivity Workshop of …

Sebastian Blanco and team

Sebastián Blanco is a systems engineer and currently directs the Laboratory in Experimental Video Game Innovation of the Inter-American Open University where he also practices teaching.
He develops games in the PapaCorps studio.
She was a research assistant in robotics for 10 years.

LIVE Showcase
A selection of ingenuity …

Gustavo Del Dago

He began programming with a Sinclair 1000 computer in the 84th year of the last century. He worked for more than twenty years as a developer in the software industry. He is currently dedicated exclusively to teaching. He is a member of the team of …

Daniel Roberto Sforzini

Studies: Architect UBA 1985, completed all the Training Courses of Rosa Kaufman.
Professional activity: until 2000 he performed tasks of Architect for studios and construction companies, trained professionals in the software: Autocad (2D and 3D) and 3D Studio Max (3D modeler to make project presentations).
From 2000 …

Andrea B. Rocca

Andrea B. Rocca
Systems analyst, professor of technology education and information technology.
I currently work as a specialist in educational robotics in the Provincial Directorate of Innovation and Educational Technology of the Prov. de Bs As. Co-founder of Geniateka, an entrepreneurship of computer teachers who invite to …

Matias Nicolás Crescenzi

Nicolas Crescenzi
I have a degree in psychology oriented to organizations and game designer.
I currently serve as a Collaborator at DEVA (Association of Electronic Sports and Video Games of Argentina) in charge of the planning of workshops in electronic sports for young people (training and training …