Preguntas frecuentes

¿Qué es una sociedad?

A society is a grouping of individuals who intend to communicate and cooperate in pursuit of common goals

¿Qué significa GTC?

. GTC, Games Technical Committee, is a non-profit organization that is part of the CIS, Computational Intelligence Society Argentina, an international gaming society belonging to IEEE.

GTC is oriented to the professional, academic and scientific areas of video games, with the aim of formalizing and hierarchi

¿Qué es IEEE y por qué GTC está dentro de él?

cal them. IEEE is an international society of people directly or indirectly related to engineering, founded in 1884 and named in this way in 1963. Its founders and most prominent participants have been Thomas Alva Edison and Alexander Graham Bell, among others.

IEEE has more than 425,000 members worldwide. It is dedicated to promoting engineering and communication between members of industry, academia and science. Other activities include: helping to develop new careers, financing activities, establishing standards and/or best practices, certifications and publishing scientific research articles.

His job is to promote creativity, development and integration, to share and apply advances in information, electronics and science technologies in general for the benefit of humanity and professionals themse

¿Qué estándares tiene IEEE actualmente?

lves. IEEE standards affect a wide range of industries including: energy, biomedicine and health, information technology, telecommunications, transportation, nanotechnology, information security, and many more. In 2013, IEEE had more than 900 active standards, with more than 500 standards in development. One of the most notable IEEE standards is the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN, a standard group that includes the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standard, and the IEEE 802.11 wireless network stan

¿Cuál es el objetivo principal de GTC?

dard. GTC aims to formalize and extend gamification and video games as science and engineering. One way to achieve this is by creating standards and/or good development practices for all areas of video games, democratizing the best technologies and techniques for common use. Also helping to create careers with official degrees at national and international level (technicals, teachers, engineering, specialties, master's degrees, doctorates), with agendas developed and approved by specialists from the area around the world, society participants and official entities. For more information, please see the GTC Manifesto.

¿Cómo van a cumplirlos?

Partnerships with other entities in countries around the world will be promoted and formed. IEEE is an international society with nearly 425,000 members and volunteers in 160 countries. Currently, GTC has members from Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico (Querétaro), among others. For more information, please see the GTC Manifesto.

¿Cuáles NO son los objetivos de GTC?

GTC in no way wants to: a) generate personal monetary gains (those that are not invested in society); (b) promote or generate inequalities; nor (c) impose limits or hinder developers and companies. Standards

¿Qué son los estándares y por qué son necesarios?

are processes, techniques or protocols established by consensus, approved by a recognized body of experts, and that offer rules, guides or characteristics for the repeated and beneficial use of certain areas of technology. Standards are necessary for the standardization of an activity, for example technological. Standardization is the process of developing, applying and improving the standards that apply to different scientific, industrial or economic activities in order to order and mejorarlas.

¿Los estándares me van a limitar y/u obligar a usarlos?

No. Standards are not mandatory and are not limiting, on the contrary. The use of standards guarantees the professionalization of the sector. Always your application depends on each professional, and of course they are also subject to peer review and own as many times as the community deems it necessary

¿Quién define los estándares?

. Standards are requested by the community based on their requirements, needs and resources available to achieve greater efficiency in the activity it carries out. The community nucleated around IEEE generates the standards taking into account what is requested, with a long and rigorous procedure that guarantees their independence and quality. Standards as much as "best practices" are not "molds" that are applied forcibly but are forms that fit in criteria to the reality of who should make use of them

¿Los estándares cambian?

. Also, standards are not and cannot be static. They must be updated and reviewed permanently, respond to changes in production forms, include technical and technological developments, etc. When it becomes obsolete, one standard is no longer applied or replaced with

Si soy un estudio indie, ¿me conviene usar un estándar de una empresa AAA?

another(s). Not all standards can be applied to all realities. For its generation, a standard or best practice must define not only its objective but also its scope of applicability, which ensures that it does not prevail in situations where its use may not be advantageous. A large video game development company has a very different structure and budget than what is run by an independent studio. Each company must make use of specific standards that are convenient to them according to the situations and technologies invo

¿Por qué una ingeniería en videojuegos, cuando es un conjunto de otras disciplinas?

lved. The process of building and developing a video game requires multidisciplinary input. Areas such as design, planning, art, software engineering, artificial intelligence, animation, music and more are involved. Video game engineering proposes to study them as a unique area of scientific knowledge, which has its particularities and therefore requires a specific formalization. It also requires the formation of academic research bodies from which, among many possibilities, trainers and educators with formal certification and experience in the sector arise. Engineering always results from applying a discipline build. In case telecommunications require electronics, mathematics, computer science, business administration, and physics. Despite this, it is an engineering with propia.No traini

¿Esto es sólo para programadores?

ng. Video games comprise a number of different disciplines and none of them have less value than another, therefore the activities of this society are intended for anyone who is interested and / or participates in the field of video games and gamification, in any of its branches. Production (in all aspects, such as design, development, programming, art, etc.), dissemination, education, marketing, research, teaching and any other related aspect

¿La formalización de los videojuegos afectará su lado artístico?

. Not at all: no. The truth is that video games are an industry, and like any industrial process, however creative it is, it needs some kind of formalization. It is impossible to work without parameters. Developers currently use "common practices". Game designers make use of documents such as High Concept, GDD, Bible. Artists, have their art guides with concept art, storyboards, etc. All of them constitute a degree of formalization, but it is clear that very desynchronized globally. It

¿Cómo se puede formalizar la parte artística de los videojuegos sin limitarla?

is not intended to standardize creativity. Standards apply to the outcome of the creative process; that is, to the formats, components, portability and other technical elements typical of artistic production. Ultimately, formalization always caters to complementary aspects, allowing creativity not to be affected by deficiencies in these other aspects. GTC

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre GTC e IGDA, ADVA y otras instituciones similares?

promotes the formalization of video games worldwide as a science for its development in areas such as academics, research and social action. IGDA works to promote and develop the video game industry and to engage the gaming developer community around the world. ADVA is an entrepreneur's camera that provides assistance to the country's video game industry. Other similar institutions often bring together local developers in order to promote the video game industry on their territory. The important thing is that GTC is the community space that allows to channel those fallations that are articulating from the scientific and academic, and the global interconnectivity typical of the body that supports it: the

¿GTC es lo mismo que VGGE?

IEEE. VGGE, by Video Games and Gamification Engineering, is the old name of the current Argentine section of the IEEE GTC (Games Technical Committe). As of 2019, we refer to the organization simply as GTC.

Si no tengo experiencia en videojuegos, ¿puedo participar?

Anyone can participate. Everyone is welcome. Membership is free and free (but has responsibilities). Given the wide variety of needs, teachers, psychologists, psychopedagogues, artists, designers, programmers, musicians, lawyers, scientists, electronics engineers, mechanics, among others can participate. Of course you don't need to be a graduate or a professional, also students or fans are invited. GT

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de ser un miembro de GTC?

C has the privilege of belonging to IEEE, the world's largest technical society. All its activities are widely disseminated internationally in 160 countries. It is proposed as a space to be heard in an area with its own characteristics. GTC pr

¿Cómo puedo participar?

omotes the formation of alliances with other entities. If you are interested and a member of a video game society, do not hesitate to register as a representative of your society. If you're not a member of a society, you can also participate as a direct member. There are three membership alternatives, all free: 1) member of the "small table" where you will help decision-making and project production; 2) active member, where you will assist in the realization of projects; and 3) passive member, where you can help sporadically and to the extent of your possibilities. All members are important. N

¿Hay que pagar para ser miembro?

o, membership is free and free. GTC is a non-profit company. Its members also do not receive any compensation in money for their activities. On the other hand, it is possible to partner with IEEE for extra benefits in exchange for an annual minimum tariff, but this step is completel

¿Qué responsabilidades tiene un miembro de la “mesa chica” de GTC?

y optional. The members of the "small table" are those who meet for decision-making and project implementation. To retain this membership, a weekly meeting must be attended in a virtual or face-to-face manner and actively participate in society, without more than one month of inactivity (except for justified

¿Qué responsabilidades tiene un miembro activo?

occasions). Active members are those who carry out the specific projects designated by the society's small table. To retain this membership, you must attend a monthly meeting virtually or face-to-face and not stay for more than two months without acti

¿Qué responsabilidades tiene un miembro pasivo?

vity. Passive members help sporadically in society and have no extra requirements. They can send their inquiries and needs to the small table and have the preference in the disseminated information and votes of different levels to resolve about the activities and decisions of

¿Puedo cambiar el tipo de membresía?

GTC. You can change the type of member at any time by simply making it known to the members of the "small table" by

¿Qué es un comité?

email. A committee is a society group dedicated to advancing specific aspects of society. Every activity is assigned to a group, for example, the standards group is the group dedicated to starting the standards creation process, and the broadcast group is dedicated to advertising

¿Tengo que pagar una membresía para ser miembro del IEEE?

GTC. GTC membership is free and free. But it is possible to partner with IEEE for extra benefits in exchange for an annual minimum tariff (about $60 USD), but this step is

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de ser un miembro de IEEE?

optional. IEEE is the world's largest technical society, its members have access to industry-critical technical information, networking opportunities, career development tools, training, WEBINARS, global peer connectivity, conference discount, funds, and many other exclusive benefits. The main benefit of being an IEEE member is the connection with people from various parts of the world, opening up our job, social and cultural possibilities. For more information about IEEE membership benefits, please refer to this link.