Posts By: ColCaribe

Primera Reunión con Webmasters

El pasado 24 de enero se llevó a cabo la primera reunión de webmasters de la sesión IEEE ColCaribe. Este encuentro virtual fue un evento importante que ayudó a resaltar la dinámica colaborativa de la cual goza la sección; además de ser una oportunidad en …

Primera reunión de la Junta Directiva 2024

Nos complace informar que la Junta Directiva ha protagonizado un hito significativo en el comienzo del año 2024. En una reunión estratégica y llena de energía, hemos intercambiado ideas innovadoras y reafirmado nuestro compromiso con la comunidad y la sección. Este encuentro no solo marca …

Contribuye con el crecimiento del IEEE Student Activities Committee.

Anunciamos con entusiasmo la convocatoria para unirte al IEEE Student Activities Committee (SAC).

Si eres miembro activo IEEE, ¡te queremos en nuestro equipo!

Requisitos:* Ser IEEE graduated student (preferiblemente).* Disponibilidad de 3-5 horas semanales para asignaciones.

¿Interesado en ser parte de esta increíble experiencia?. Accede al formulario para …

Closing Ceremony: A Celebration of Dedication and Gratitude

Closing filled with gratitude and celebration! We acknowledge the effort and dedication of our incredible student volunteers. Your commitment has left a positive mark on the IEEE Colombian Caribbean Community. Congratulations on these well-deserved awards, and thank you for making IEEE Colcaribe a reference in …

Colombian Caribbean Conference C3 2023

La Sección IEEE Caribe Colombiano y la Universidad del Norte recibieron a más de 150 profesionales, investigadores y exponentes de diferentes lugares de América Latina en diversas disciplinas técnicas de investigación, como Robótica, Sistemas, Telecomunicaciones, Computación, Educación, entre otras.

En la primera edición de la Conferencia …

Igniting Passions for IEEE – UniBarranquilla

The IEEE Caribbean Colombia Section reached the Barranquilla University Institution with an event to ignite passions for technology.

We had a space to discuss the benefits of being an IEEE member, the different technical societies, and the experiences of outstanding volunteers from the student branches in …

We celebrate the 5 years of the IEEE Caribbean Colombian Section.

We enthusiastically celebrate the 5 years of the IEEE Caribbean Section! Since its inception, we have grown, learned, and shared knowledge in the region. To commemorate this milestone, we have prepared a week full of exciting events. Our technical chapters joined forces to offer a …

Talk Among Engineers

We celebrate diversity and female talent in the world of engineering. The WIE Uninorte student chapter had the honor of organizing an inspiring Talk Among Engineers, where outstanding women from each of our technical chapters participated.

From electrical engineering to mechanical engineering, these incredible women shared …

Operation of IEEE Standards.

The IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society (TEMS) ColCaribe chapter celebrated its fifth anniversary with an exciting conference on the operation of standards from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The event featured the distinguished expert Maike Luken, who shared her knowledge in …

Energetic transformation: New trends

The Caribbean Colombian Section inaugurates our IEEE PES chapter! There is no better way to start than with a conference led by the CEO of PSR Inc., Luiz Barroso, who came from Brazil and gave a talk on new energy markets in times of energy …