Convocatoria a envío de trabajos científicos.

ARGENCON is the premium biennial congress of the Argentina Section of the IEEE. The fifth edition will be held in Resistencia, Chaco, from 2 to 4 December 2020. Games Technical Committee is pleased to convene the sending of papers whose theme is video games and gamification.

The call closes on 31 August 2020.


In addition to being a type of multi-billion dollar digital entertainment worldwide, video games are, from a technological point of view, a challenging scenario for computational intelligence benchmarking methods, providing dynamic and competitive elements related to real-world problems.

This topic aims to bring together leading researchers and professionals, from academia and industry, to discuss recent developments and explore future directions in this field.

This program is relaunched at ARGENCON 2020, with the aim of being a meeting point for researchers, who apply artificial and computational intelligence techniques to games.

The program's mastery includes all types of Computational Intelligence/Artificial Intelligence, applied to all kinds of games, including board games, video games and mathematical games.


Note that you can submit your work beyond the scope of this list. In such a case, you must specify, in the web submission form, the new sub-topic to which you believe your work belongs, according to the instructions in the Paper Submission Tutorial, in the paragraph "How to specify a sub-topic that is not predefined".

  • Art in Video Games.
  • EduGames.
  • Experimental video games.
  • Smart systems for video games.
  • Marketing and video games.
  • Simulation in video games.
  • Video games for STEAM experiences (Science, Technology, Engeneering, Arts, Mathematics).


The Games Technical Committee invites all people interested in video game research and education to register a free membership; and to contribute to the formation of an international vocabulary standard specific to the video game industry.

Chair PC: Daniela López De Luise
Vice-chair PC: Durgan A. Nallar
Email inquiries: t[email protected] / [email protected]

ABOUT ARGENCON 2020 (#49523)

For more information on IEEE Argentina's biennial congress, including the call for job submissions, important dates and speakers, please contact the official ARGENCON website.