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over the past few years, the regional student branch meeting has proven to be the meeting point for students from the different student branches in the region to diversify their knowledge in soft and hard skills. This has been achieved by creating the perfect space for attendees to not only learn about different topics, but to meet and interact with students and professionals from all over the region, allowing a constant exchange of ideas, which has mostly led to the development of activities for local or regional benefit.

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Below are some examples related to the latest versions of the event:

SBRM - 2022

The event took place on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th November 2022. On each day, IEEE R9 SBRM had different events scheduled according the following thematic block information:

  • Technical sessions
  • Humanitarian sessions
  • Management & Volunteering training sessions
  • Meetings sessions
  • Awards

SBRM - 2021

The event took place on the 26th, 27th, 28th November 2021. On each day, IEEE R9 SBRM had different events scheduled according the following thematic block information:

  • Technical sessions
  • Humanitarian sessions
  • Ethics, Diversity & Inclusion session
  • Management & Volunteering training sessions
  • Meetings sessions
  • Entrepreneurship session
  • Awards

SBRM - 2020

The event took place on the 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th of November and was divided into thematic blocks where we had contents of Management & Volunteering, Technical Activities, WIE, Diversity & Inclusion, SIGHT, HAC, Ethics, Smart Village and others. We had also a specific day for training aimed at volunteers who occupy officer positions in OUs and our meetings. All of this, of course, without forgetting the networking, with engagement activities, the Nation’s Fair and the results of the Regional Awards!