Dear Region 9 colleagues,

Nominations are now open for our new IEEE Region 9 Best Contribution to the IEEE Latin America History Award. This award recognizes the value of written contributions to the History of the IEEE in Region 9 and the Deadline to receive nominations is August 31, 2024.

This is a great opportunity to recognize the achievements and contributions of our distinguished members and volunteers.

All the information regarding this award can be found in the IEEE Region 9 Awards website.

To nominate a colleague, read the Award Guidelines

This year, we will continue using OpenWater for the nominations. This system used by the IEEE Awards Board, MGA and other IEEE major OUs, making it easier to apply to their awards.

Please submit your nomination here, select the Category: IEEE Region 9 Best Contribution to the IEEE Latin America History Award.

For more information, you can watch the recording of the webinar on this topic.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or comments.

Best regards,

Eng. Alejandra Orellana
Chair, IEEE R9 Awards and Recognitions 2024-2025
[email protected]