Bldg: Instituto de Energía Eléctrica, Av. Libertador oeste 1109, San Juan, San Juan, Argentina, 5400, Virtual: CASS Tour Argentina 2022 – Buenos Aires
Room: 2do piso - Aula 1 - Extensión, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Facultad Regional Buenos Aires, Medrano 951 , CABA, Distrito Federal, ArgentinaWeek of Events
Dentro de las actividades a desarrollarse en el marco del Congreso IEEE ARGENCON 2022, se realiza un WORKSHOP DE TRANSICIÓN ENERGÉTICA. Oradores distinguidos disertarán sobre las temáticas abordadas, destacandose los siguientes temas: desafíos de la transición energética, impactos en el sector eléctrico, desarrollos tecnológicos, experiencias a nivel latinoamericano e internacional. Cada expositor tiene 20 min. para su presentación, 3 exposiciones por panel; luego cada panel se cierra con un espacio de debate-preguntas de 30 min. Co-sponsored by: IEEE Argentina Section, IEE Instituto de Energía Eléctrica (UNSJ/CONICET) Agenda: Cronograma Preliminar Horarios Lunes 5 de Septiembre Martes 6 de Septiembre 9:00 a 9:30 hs Recepción y acreditaciones Recepción y acreditaciones 9:30 a 11:00 hs Panel 1: Apertura y Desafíos de la Transición Energética (TE) Presentador: - IEE: director Dr. Ing. Marcelo Molina - EPSE: Ing. Juan Caparrós, Ing. Miguel Gil - EPRE San Juan: Dr. Ing. Roberto Ferrero Panel 5: Tecnologías para la TE y Eficiencia Energética-Eléctrica Moderador: - Schneider: Ing. Alan Nahuel Díaz - Siemens: Ing. Gregorio Lastra - Artec: 11:00 a 11:30 hs Coffee break Coffee break 11:30 a 13:00 hs Panel 2: Impactos de la TE en el Sector Eléctrico Moderador: - WEC-CACME: Lic. Graciela Misa - PAMPETROL SAPEM: Dra. Laura Giumelli - Wärtsilä: Ing. Ignacio Aguirre Panel 6: Desafíos de la TE a Nivel Internacional Moderador: - IEEE / PES – University of Melbourne: Dr. Ing. Luis Nando Ochoa - IEEE / DAAD – Quanta Technology: Dr. Ing. Julio Romero - DAAD – XM Colombia: Dr. Ing. Jaime Pinzón 13:00 a 14:30 hs Lunch break Lunch break 14:30 a 16:00 hs Panel 3: La Distribución Eléctrica en la TE Moderador: - ADEERA: Ing. Claudio Bulacio - EPRE Mendoza: Ing. Raúl Faura, Lic. Ángel Garay - EPRE Río Negro: Ing. Mara Santarelli, Ing. Agustín Vidal Panel 7: Experiencias de la TE en Latinoamérica Moderador: - CYTED / DAAD – CREE Honduras: Dr. Ing. Wilfredo Flores - DAAD – COES Perú: Mg. Ing. José Manuel Hermoza - DAAD – HINICIO LATAM: Mg. Ing. Luis Carlos Parra Raffán 16:00 a 16:30 hs Coffee break Coffee break 16:30 a 18:00 hs Panel 4: Energías Renovables en la TE Moderador: - YPF Luz: Ing. Jorge Gonzalez - GENNEIA - EPSE: Dr. Ing. Víctor Doña Panel 8: Experiencias de la TE en Latinoamérica (2da parte) Moderador: - DAAD – Ecuador: Dr. Ing. Gabriel Salazar - DAAD – Honduras: Dr. Ing. Miguel Figueroa - DAAD – Colombia: Dra. Ing. Neby Castrillon Bldg: Instituto de Energía Eléctrica, Av. Libertador oeste 1109, San Juan, San Juan, Argentina, 5400, Virtual:
IEEE ARGENCON 2022 * First Call For Papers
IEEE ARGENCON is the Biennial Premium Conference of the IEEE Argentina Section. Its objectives are to disseminate and present the most recent research and development advances in engineering in IEEE designated fields. Its sixth edition, IEEE ARGENCON 2022, will be held in the city of San Juan (SJ, Argentina) in a hybrid format (face-to-face and virtual), on Wednesday 7, Thursday 8, and Friday 9 September 2022. On Monday 5 and Tuesday 6 September Pre-Conference complementary technical activities will be offered. The event is organized by the Instituto de Energía Eléctrica (IEE) of the National University of San Juan/CONICET, with the collaboration of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Palermo. Full and updated information on IEEE ARGENCON 2022 will be available at Contact: [email protected] Important dates * Submission of papers deadline: April 04, 2022 The mechanism for submitting the works will be indicated in due course. View and download First Call to Submit Works here: * Proposals for tutorials and workshops deadline: April 25, 2022 They should contact the respective Program Chairs. The information will be available from February 2022. We invite the entire community to send their papers to the Conference and to participate in it. Co-sponsored by: IEEE Argentina Section, IEE Instituto de Energía Eléctrica (UNSJ/CONICET), Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Palermo Agenda: IEEE ARGENCON 2022 - Wed 07 through Fri 09 September 2022 Pre Conference Activities - Mon 05 and Tue 06 September 2022 Hybrid - Face-to-face / Virtual San Juan (SJ), Argentina San Juan, San Juan, Argentina, Virtual:
RNR Argentina + RNYP Argentina + RCSR
8, 9 y 10 de Septiembre de 2022 San Juan Argentina Av. Libertador Gral. San Martín 1109, J5400ARL San Juan, Argentina, San Juan, San Juan, Argentina
ARGENCON 2022 – First CIS Chapter 20th anniversary celebration
This event has three parts: a) Lecturer: James M. Keller (CIS President) Title: "Streaming Data Analytics: Clustering or Classification?" As the volume and variety of temporally acquired data continues to grow, increased attention is being paid to streaming analysis of that data. Think of a drone flying over unknown terrain looking for specific objects which may present differently in different environments. Understanding the evolving environments is a critical component of a recognition system. With the explosion of ubiquitous continuous sensing (something Lotfi Zadeh predicted as one of the pillars of Recognition Technology in the late 1990s), this on-line streaming analysis is normally cast as a clustering problem. However, examining most streaming clustering algorithms leads to the understanding that they are actually incremental classification models. These approaches model existing and newly discovered structures via summary information that we call footprints. Incoming data is routinely assigned crisp labels (into one of the structures) and that structure’s footprints are incrementally updated; the data is not saved for iterative assignments. b) Lecturer: Santiago Segarra Title: "Graph Neural Networks with Applications to Wireless Communications" As the availability of relational data continues to grow, graph-based modeling and processing techniques have become a mainstay in the current research landscape, cutting across fields of knowledge. Drawing from graph signal processing, in this talk we provide a first introduction to graph neural networks (GNNs), emphasizing their properties and connections to classical signal processing and machine learning. Furthermore, we present several applications of GNNs in wireless communications. More specifically, we discuss the use of GNNs in conjunction with algorithmic unfolding for quasi-optimal power allocation and distributed link scheduling. c) Special celebration event: CIS President salutation, video recorded compilation with worldwide salutation. Co-sponsored by: Universidad Nacional de San Juan and Universidad de Palermo Speaker(s): James Keller, Santiago Segarra Bldg: Edificio Central, Mitre 396 Este , San Juan - Argentina - (J5402CWH), San Juan, San Juan, Argentina, Virtual:
IEEE CASS Tour Argentina 2022 – Buenos Aires
IEEE CASS Tour Argentina 2022 – Buenos Aires
El capitulo conjunto Nº 3 (EDS / SSC) y el capitulo de Circuitos y Sistemas (CAS) de la sección Argentina del IEEE, junto con el departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica de la UTN.BA los invita a participar de una serie de charlas dentro del contesto del "IEEE CASS Tour Argentina 2022" donde seremos visitados por el presidente del capitulo de CAS del IEEE el Dr. Manuel Delgado-Restituto y el especialista en microelectrónica el Dr. Ricardo Reis. Co-sponsored by: Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Facultad Regional Buenos aires - Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica Speaker(s): Dr. Ricardo Reis, Dr. Manuel Delgado-Restituto Agenda: - 16:00hs - 45 min - "Trends on Micro and Nanoelectronics” - Ricardo Reis - 16:45hs - 10 min - receso - 17:00hs - 45 min - "Neural recording with high-channel count microelectrode arrays" - Manuel Delgado-Restituto - 17:45hs -10 min - receso - 18:00hs - 45 min - "IEEE CASS: oportunidades y inserción internacional" - Manuel Delgado-Restituto - 18:45hs - Cierre del evento Room: 2do piso - Aula 1 - Extensión, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Facultad Regional Buenos Aires, Medrano 951 , CABA, Distrito Federal, Argentina
La Rama Estudiantil - IEEE UNA, en colaboración conjunta de los capítulos RAS UNA y CS UNA, hace extensiva la invitación a todos aquellos interesados en participar de una competencia mundial de programación que se realizará este 22 de octubre. El embajador de la Sección Paraguay, Mathias Barrios, nos comentará las reglas de competencia y guiará a todo aquel que quiera formar un equipo para competir. ¿Sabés programar y querés demostrarle al mundo tu capacidad? Entonces esta es tu oportunidad de demostrar tu potencial!. Plataforma: Google Meet Virtual:
Jornada de Apoyo a ISF
Jornada de Apoyo a ISF
Jornada de apoyo a campaña "Reutiliza" (por la asociación Ingeniería sin Fronteras y la compañia Entel), donde se realizan reacondicionamiento a dispositivos electrónicos para entregarlos a alumnos en necesidad. Av Lo espejo 860, Santiago, Region Metropolitana, Chile