The webinar is about the practical theoretical review of current human resources motivation and performance management models. Special emphasis is placed on the gamification process.

It was broadcast live, in Spanish, on Monday, December 4, 2017.

Computational Intelligence Society, Games Technical Committee and Video Games and Gamification Engineering are pleased to present a webinar by Prof. MBA Rodrigo Borgia, CEO, consultant and founder of Gamifica Group.

About Rodrigo Borgia

Degree in Business Administration, Graduate in Call Center Management, MBA and certificate in Gamification Design and LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®. He has worked in designing and developing customer service, commercial, telesales and mobile business areas for Nuevo Banco de Santa Fe and Hewlett Packard, among others. Since the creation of Gamifica, he has managed mileage and customer loyalty programs, as well as employee motivation projects in different companies in the region. Contact: [email protected]