
2020 WIE International
Leadership Summit

Colombia, Panama, and Brazil Joint Event

September 28 to October 2 – Virtual Meet

2020 WIE International Leadership Summit
Panama, Colombia, Brazil

WIE Region 9
WIE Brazil
WIE Panamá
WIE Colombia

Organizing Comittee

IEEE WIE Summits are shifting to virtual platforms in 2020. Therefore, together to strengthen the WIE mission and vision and create a larger reach for latin america going to be organized joint the ILS event between all three countries selected at IEEE Region 9 (Latin America and the Caribbean)

Rosa Mejía

Rosa Mejía
R9 WIE Chair

Susana Lau

Susana Lau
WIE ILS Panama

Gabrielle Silva

Gabrielle Silva
WIE ILS Brazil

Ana Salazar

Ana Salazar
WIE ILS Colombia

Contact Us

If you are interested in promoting women, both within the IEEE and in the engineering industry, WIE is for you. Get the benefits of IEEE membership and participate in our activities. Don’t miss our joint virtual ILS. Contact us if you have any questions.