
WIE Day Costa Rica


We cordially invite you to participate in the WIE Day event, a celebration dedicated to highlighting and honoring female talent in the field of technology and related areas. From June 23rd through July 12th, WIE CR, in collaboration with WIE UCR and WIE TEC, is proud to present a series of inspiring videos that offer fascinating insight into the contributions and experiences of women leaders in Costa Rica. This unique event will provide a dynamic platform for prominent women to share their knowledge and experience in various fields, addressing crucial topics such as technological innovation, leadership, women's empowerment, professional development and best work practices. Through personal stories, practical advice and inspiring reflections, WIE Day seeks to inspire, inform and empower the next generation of women leaders in technology. Suggested Focus Areas: Technology of Interest such as AI and Machine Learning, IoT, Robotics and Automation, Cloud Technology, Blockchain, Virtual Reality, Nanotechnology, Quantum Computing, 3D Printing, Biotechnology, Energy Storage, etc. Leadership Training Women Empowerment Career Development and Capacity Building Workplace Best Practices Industry and Entrepreneurship Digital Education and Literacy for Serving Humanity Agenda: - Tuesday, June 11: - Participant selection for the videos. - Planning of filming and logistical coordination. - Wednesday, June 12: - Sending emails to selected participants, confirming their participation and providing additional details about the event and filming requirements. - Friday, June 13: - Scriptwriting and content structure development for the videos. Defining topics to be addressed and presentation format. - Saturday, June 14 - Friday, June 21: - Preparation and rehearsal period for the participants. Review and adjustment of the script and content structure as needed. - Monday, June 24 - Friday, June 28: - Commencement of video filming with selected participants. Recording interviews, presentations, and demonstrations according to the previously established script. - Monday, July 1 - Friday, July 5: - Video editing process. Review and adjustment of recorded material to ensure quality and coherence of content. - Monday, July 8 - Wednesday, July 10: - Finalization of video editing. Incorporation of visual elements, effects, and graphics as necessary. - Thursday, July 11 - Friday, July 12: - Upload of edited videos to WIE CR, WIE UCR, and WIE TEC's social media platforms and communication channels. - Promotion of WIE Day event and published videos through social media and other dissemination channels. Virtual:

IEEE WiE Day: Amostra de Projetos de Extensão e Pesquisa de Docentes Voluntários do WiE UFERSA

Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido - UFERSA, Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, Virtual:

No dia 11 de julho de 2024, das 19h às 21h30min, com a presença das docentes voluntárias do WiE UFERSA Mossoró, será realizado um encontro em alusão à comemoração do WiE Day, a temática abordará a apresentação do grupo de afinidade WiE UFERSA e dos projetos paralelos dos docentes vinculados a este. Será incentivada à participação dos voluntários presentes em projetos já existentes ou criação de novas linhas de pesquisa/extensão. Cada docente irá apresentar seus projetos de pesquisa e extensão em vigor. O encontro será realizado na modalidade híbrida, com espaço físico e transmissão simultânea em reunião no meet. O evento visa inspirar e incentivar os voluntários do grupo de afinidade IEEE WiE (Women in Engineering) UFERSA Mossoró a produzirem conteúdos científicos em suas determinadas áreas de especialidade. [] Agenda: Abertura e Boas-Vindas (19:00 PM a 19:30 PM) - - Apresentação inicial do evento e seus objetivos - Painel: "IEEE WiE UFERSA Mossoró: Quem somos e qual nossa missão?" Apresentações individuais dos docentes (19:30 PM a 21:00 PM) Sessão de Perguntas e Respostas (21:00 PM a 21:15 PM) - - Interação com o público ao vivo - Respostas às perguntas enviadas pelo chat - Discussão de pontos adicionais e esclarecimentos Encerramento (21:15 PM a 21:30 PM) - - Agradecimentos finais - Informações sobre futuras atividades e eventos relacionados - Divulgação de contatos e redes sociais dos palestrantes e do IEEE WiE UFERSA Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido - UFERSA, Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, Virtual: