

Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay, Virtual:

IEEE URUCON 2024 Conference sponsored by IEEE Cono Sur Council and IEEE Uruguay Section, invites you to participate in the third URUCON IEEE Hybrid Conference, that will be held in Montevideo, from the 18th to the 20th of November 2024. Chair: Ing. Pablo Thomasset, Vice Chair: Dr. Ing. Gonzalo Casaravilla Technical Co-Chairs: Dr. Ing. Rodrigo Alonso, Dr. Ing. Alfredo Arnaud, Dr. Ing. Daniel Slomovitz Conference Topics: Communications, Power & Energy, Instrumentation & Measurements, Biomedical, Computing, Circuits & Systems, Control Broadcast, Signal Processing, Education and Technology Management. [] Agenda: Important Dates: Initial paper submission (up to 4 pages): June 30, 2024. Notification of acceptance: August 31, 2024. Final paper submission (up to 5 pages): September 15, 2024. Conference: 18th to the 20th of November 2024 at Montevideo, Uruguay Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay, Virtual:

STEM Vocational Conference 2024

Av. Carlos Germán Amezaga #375 - Cercado de Lima, Lima, Lima, Peru, 15081, Virtual:

STEM Vocational Conference 📍What can you expect from this edition? 🤔 Get ready to discover your vocation in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics 🧠. We will feature the expertise of qualified professionals and guest institutions to answer all your vocational questions through vocational conferences, practical workshops, discussions, networking spaces, and much more. 💫 🌐 Virtual: June 17 and 18 ✈️ In-person at Cusco: June 20 and 21 🏫 In-person at UNMSM: June 25, 26, and 27 🎟️ Free event: 🎯 Open to the general public, especially secondary and university students exploring the STEM world 💪 🌟 Are you or do you know pre-university students with questions about their professional future? Share this and don't miss this great opportunity! 🌟📢 Stay tuned to our social media for more surprises! 😉 📌 (, (, ( y ( #WIEUNMSM #WIEDAY #IEEEWIEDay Thanks our IEEE WIE Day ambassador Jannina Romero for your support 💜✨ IEEE Member N°: 98213523 [] Agenda: STEM Vocational Conference 2024: Unleashing the Potential - Week 1: A Journey into STEM Realities 👩‍💻Virtual👩‍💻 Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 - 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM: Energetic Kick-off and Vibrant Registrations 🎉 - 3:00 PM - 6:30 PM: Engrossing sessions on Telecommunications, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, and more! - 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM: Buzzing Raffle 🌐 🏔️In person Cusco🏔️🌄 Thursday 20 and Friday 21 - 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM : Careers and Ingenia ExpoFest 2024 🎉 - Week 2: Unraveling Hidden Passions 👩‍🎓In person UNMSM Tuesday 25, Wednesday 26 and Thursday 27 - 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM: Pre-university sessions 👩‍🏫 - 3:00 PM - 6:30 PM: Pre-university sessions on systems engineering, software - 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM: Closure event Av. Carlos Germán Amezaga #375 - Cercado de Lima, Lima, Lima, Peru, 15081, Virtual:

WIE Day Costa Rica


We cordially invite you to participate in the WIE Day event, a celebration dedicated to highlighting and honoring female talent in the field of technology and related areas. From June 23rd through July 12th, WIE CR, in collaboration with WIE UCR and WIE TEC, is proud to present a series of inspiring videos that offer fascinating insight into the contributions and experiences of women leaders in Costa Rica. This unique event will provide a dynamic platform for prominent women to share their knowledge and experience in various fields, addressing crucial topics such as technological innovation, leadership, women's empowerment, professional development and best work practices. Through personal stories, practical advice and inspiring reflections, WIE Day seeks to inspire, inform and empower the next generation of women leaders in technology. Suggested Focus Areas: Technology of Interest such as AI and Machine Learning, IoT, Robotics and Automation, Cloud Technology, Blockchain, Virtual Reality, Nanotechnology, Quantum Computing, 3D Printing, Biotechnology, Energy Storage, etc. Leadership Training Women Empowerment Career Development and Capacity Building Workplace Best Practices Industry and Entrepreneurship Digital Education and Literacy for Serving Humanity Agenda: - Tuesday, June 11: - Participant selection for the videos. - Planning of filming and logistical coordination. - Wednesday, June 12: - Sending emails to selected participants, confirming their participation and providing additional details about the event and filming requirements. - Friday, June 13: - Scriptwriting and content structure development for the videos. Defining topics to be addressed and presentation format. - Saturday, June 14 - Friday, June 21: - Preparation and rehearsal period for the participants. Review and adjustment of the script and content structure as needed. - Monday, June 24 - Friday, June 28: - Commencement of video filming with selected participants. Recording interviews, presentations, and demonstrations according to the previously established script. - Monday, July 1 - Friday, July 5: - Video editing process. Review and adjustment of recorded material to ensure quality and coherence of content. - Monday, July 8 - Wednesday, July 10: - Finalization of video editing. Incorporation of visual elements, effects, and graphics as necessary. - Thursday, July 11 - Friday, July 12: - Upload of edited videos to WIE CR, WIE UCR, and WIE TEC's social media platforms and communication channels. - Promotion of WIE Day event and published videos through social media and other dissemination channels. Virtual:

Webinar "Gerenciamento de Facilities: Abrangência e Desafios Profissionais" – 24/06 – 07:00 PM (UTC-03:00 Brasília)


Em comemoração ao dia da Internacional da Mulher na Engenharia, o Grupo de Afinidade WiE (Women in Engineering) UFERSA realizará uma palestra que celebre e destaque o papel fundamental das mulheres e de suas conquistas no meio científico, tecnológico e da engenharia, além de explorar uma temática bastante relevante para o público geral que se interessa pela área. No dia 24 de junho de 2024, das 19h às 21h, Ana Claudia Morrissy Machado, engenheira Civil com PhD em Engenharia Industrial, apresentará a webinar "Gerenciamento de Facilities: Abrangência e Desafios Profissionais", transmitida ao vivo pelo YouTube. O Gerenciamento de Facilities envolve a administração eficiente de edifícios e serviços, garantindo funcionalidade, conforto, segurança e sustentabilidade. Este tema é crucial para otimizar recursos e melhorar a produtividade no ambiente profissional. O evento, além de inspirar mulheres e meninas a seguirem carreiras em STEM, busca promover a interação entre estudantes e profissionais na engenharia, ampliando redes de contatos e oportunidades, em alinhamento com os objetivos do grupo de afinidade WiE (Women in Engineering) da UFERSA A intenção é facilitar a conexão entre estudantes e profissionais do mercado de trabalho, ampliando as possibilidades de networking e futuras oportunidades profissionais. Isso ocorrerá por meio da apresentação da trajetória de uma mulher engenheira bem-sucedida que inspira e motiva mulheres e meninas a seguirem carreiras nas áreas de Ciência, Tecnologia, Engenharia e Matemática. Este evento é aberto para todos os públicos, sem qualquer distinção de sexo, gênero ou idade. Basta se interessar pelo conteúdo a ser ministrado e querer conhecer um pouco da trajetória de uma mulher inspiradora. [] Virtual: