“IEEE WIE pledges to work towards gender-diversified panels at all IEEE meetings, conferences, and events, including our own.”

Región 9 took the WIE Pledge, supports the inclusion of a diverse set of speakers—which it believes will lead to more creative, interesting, and representative panels across IEEE.

WIE and Region 9, believes speakers always should be chosen for their technical expertise and their ability to communicate well with audiences—regardless of gender.

The pledge is a commitment to seeking out perspectives that are more representative of our engineering profession

Some OUs are extending the Pledge, for example, beyond gender to ethnicity/age/etc. Others are expanding upon the WIE Pledge for multiple facets of their OU portfolio (i.e., diversity in gender in conferences but also publications).

IEEE Women In Engineering

The WIE Pledge logo was created for those who adopt the WIE Pledge to show representation via their communications channels. The WIE Pledge logo can be displayed via the following communication channels, i.e website, email, presentations, social media channel, print collateral, etc.