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La Sección Uruguay de IEEE y el Capítulo Uruguay de la Sociedad de Comunicaciones de IEEE , con la colaboración de la Asociación de Ingenieros del Uruguay y el apoyo de ANTEL, tiene el agrado de invitarlo al tutorial  «Next Generation Networks«, de acuerdo al siguiente detalle:

Fecha: Lunes 21 de Setiembre.

Hora: de 9:30 a 17:00 (no incluye almuerzo).

Ubicación: ANTEL – Sala de Capacitación, Piso 3, edificio Clientes, contiguo a la Torre de las Telecomunicaciones de ANTEL, Montevideo, Uruguay .

TEMA: Next Generation Networks and the Inherent IP Telephony services: Overview and Research Directions

Idioma: Ingles

Duration: full day tutorial


Funcionarios de ANTEL (Alicia Cuba [email protected] )

MIEMBROS IEEE (Gustavo Giannattasio [email protected] )

El evento será difundido por Internet en tiempo real para Países fuera de URUGUAY

Orador: Roch Glitho, PhD, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada,, [email protected]

Esperamos contar con vuestra valiosa concurrencia, les rogamos inscribirse en el evento a los efectos de asegurar los lugares que son LIMITADOS.


Ing Miguel Aumento Presidente de sección IEEE Uruguay, 2009-2010

Ing Gustavo Giannattasio Presidente del Capítulo Uruguay de la Sociedad de Comunicaciones,  2009

Abstract: ITU-T defined Next Generation Networks (NGN) as networks with a set of well defined characteristics (e.g. packet – based networks, QoS enabled transport, separation of services related functions and underlying transportation technologies, generalized mobility). The use of packet-based networks instead of circuit switched-based networks in NGN brings the problematic of IP telephony. IP telephony also known as Internet telephony or packet telephony or Voice over IP can be defined as the conversational exchange of voice (or more generally multimedia content) over packet based networks. It is not a novelty. However, it is only now that it is gaining more and more momentum in the context of NGN, thanks to the emergence and maturity of standard specifications. This speech focuses on NGN and the inherent IP telephony services they provide. We first introduce the basic standard building blocks of IP telephony in NGN. The signalling protocols (e.g. SIP, Megaco/H.248), media handling protocols (e.g. RTP),

and QoS approaches (e.g. RSVP, DiffServ) are successively introduced. The second part of the speech is devoted to concrete NGN architectures that use the standard IP telephony building blocks. The 3GPP IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) and the soft-switches based – architectures are discussed and illustrated with concrete case studies. The last part focuses on how to build value added IP telephony services in NGN. The application programming interfaces such as SIP servlet and Web services are presented. Concrete examples of IP telephony services built using these APIs are used for illustration purpose. Research directions are identified throughout the speech.

Biography: Roch H. Glitho [SM] ( holds a Ph.D. (Tekn. Dr.) in tele-informatics (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden), and M.Sc. degrees in business economics (University of Grenoble, France), pure mathematics (University Geneva, Switzerland), and computer science (University of Geneva). He works in Montreal, Canada as adjunct associate professor at Concordia University. He also works as a consultant at Ericsson Canada. In the past he worked as a Senior Specialist in network management for Ericsson Telecom in Stockholm, and as an R&D engineer for a computer manufacturer in Oslo, Norway.

His industrial experience includes research, international standards setting (e.g. contributions to ITU-T, ETSI, TMF, ANSI, TIA, and 3GPP), product management, project management, systems engineering and software/firmware design. He is an IEEE distinguished lecturer, a senior technical editor of IEEE Communications Magazine, a technical editor of IEEE Network, and a technical editor of IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials Journal. In the past he has served as Editor-In-Chief of IEEE Communications Magazine, and Editor-In-Chief of IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials Journal. His research areas include architectures for endusers services, distributed systems, non conventional networking, and networking technologies for emerging economies. In these areas, he has authored more around 90 peer-reviewed papers, more than twenty of which have been published in well-known refereed journals. He has also guest-edited some 10 special issues of refereed journals and has more than 20 patents in the aforementioned areas.