En la revista de la Broadcast Technolgy Society se publicó un artículo con respecto al logro de retención de miembros que obtuvo IEEE Sección Uruguay en el año 2016.

A continuación puede leer el artículo tal cual aparece en la revista:

“The BTS Uruguay Section has been notified by the IEEE’s Membership Recruitment and Recovery Commitee that its efforts in growing membership and retaining members has earned the committe’s 2016 ‘Outstanding Section Membership Retention’ citation. According to Section Chair Rafael Sotelo, the recognition was based on the Section’s performance in the past four years.

The notification came from Antonio Luque, the 2016 chair of the commitee.

‘I am pleased to recognize the Uruguay Section for meeting its retention goal for the 2016 membership year,’ said Luque. ‘Congratulations! The membership development goals were developed based on your Section’s four-year performance. You are to be commended for continuing to grow IEEE membership in the Uruguay Section.’

Luque praised Sotelo for his efforts in this area and the Section’s providing the ‘best member experience possible.’

In response, Sotelo offered his thanks to the Society for its assistance in making this recognition possible.

‘During these four years I have been vice chair and chair of the Uruguay Section many of you have supported us in the development and further activities of the BTS Chapter,’ said Sotelo. ‘Thank you very much.'”


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