Gianny Pereira

Foto Yo
Frame 8

Gianny Pereira

Coordinator Communications Committee

We believe in making a substantial contribution to society through technology, innovation, and research.

Student of electrical engineering in the last semester at the Francisco José de Caldas District University. He is a Technologist in industrial electricity and a Technician in electricity and electronics from SENA. He has experience in the maintenance of industrial equipment, control, automation, wired logic, electrical designs, and auditing.

He has been a member of IEEE since 2019 and has played various roles throughout his career. He was Vice President of the student branch (2020), Student Branch Chapter Chair CAS (2020), President of the student branch (2021), Volunteer for the SAC Team Col communications committee (2021), Coordinator of the SAC Team Col communications committee (2022), and Student Representative of the IEEE Colombia Section (2023).

Currently, he holds the following positions: Coordinator of the R9 SAC Team communications committee (2024-2025), volunteer for the Information Management Committee – IMC R9 (2024), and Student Representative of the IEEE Colombia Section (2024).