IEEE TechEx 2025
Quezon City, Quezon City, Philippines, Virtual: is a series of seminars in partnership with other IEEE student branches in the Philippines. It will be held every Saturday, […]
TechEx is a series of seminars in partnership with other IEEE student branches in the Philippines. It will be held every Saturday, […]
This year, with the arrival of new first-year engineering students, IEEE PES UdeC is excited to introduce them to the IEEE Student […]
Esta actividad está dirigida a beneficiar a las mujeres ingenieras del Tecnológico de Costa Rica, sede San Carlos, brindándoles un espacio para […]
En esta reunión se avanzó en el desarrollo del sistema electrónico del cohete de propulsión por agua, estableciendo los componentes clave que […]
Charla Técnica: Satélites Artificiales Dictado por la Dra. Elsa Torres [] Temario: - Que es un satélite artificial? - Tipos de órbitas […]
[] Unlock the full potential of VTools for your IEEE Chapter! This training provides in-depth instruction on all VTools platforms, including Engage, […]
This workshop is tailored for automotive enthusiasts, engineering students, and tech hobbyists who are passionate about vehicular technology and innovation. Participants will […]
Se realizará una charla introductoria para dar la bienvenida a los nuevos voluntarios de IEEE ITBA, presentando la estructura de la rama, […]
LaTeX, specifically supported by Overleaf, is a powerful and widely used platform for writing and co-authoring academic documents, from lab reports to […]
Curso de Modelado 3D Este evento es organizado para la comunidad estudiantil del Cinvestav y público en general. Se abordarán conceptos básicos-intermedios […]