Regional Awards

IEEE Region 9 Student Awards and Contest

The SAC Region 9 awards recognize and honor exceptional contributions to IEEE goals within SAC Region 9 and related units (SAC, SRS, Student Branch, Student Branch Chapters, Counselors, Student Affinity Groups). Administered by the Awards and Recognition Committee of SAC Region 9, the program aims to inspire and acknowledge outstanding efforts.

Main requeriments

To participate in regional awards, you need:

Student Branch chair and counselor updated in VTools.

10 members in the applicant student branch. 5 members in the applicant student chapter or affinity group

Student Branch 2024 plan submitted (if applicable)

Useful tutorials

Important Considerations

  • When submitting an article, the applicant is responsible for the veracity and originality of the information contained in the document;
  • The applicant must agree with all the criteria of the bases;
    Points that are not in this base should be dealt with the organizing commission via email;
  • If there are no cases that meet the objectives of the contest, the evaluating commission will not be obliged to appoint winners;
  • If necessary, the organizing committee reserves the right to make changes at some point (s) of this base by notifying the applicants.

Important Dates

  • Publication of the bases:  June 25th, 2024
  • Submissions Deadline: August 1st, 2024,
  • Extended Deadline: September 1st, 2024
  • Evaluation Period: From August to October 2024
  • Announcement of results: During the Student Branch Regional Meeting
  • Awards: During the Student Branches Regional Meeting
  • Awards delivery: Until March 31st 2025

List of Regional Awards and Contest 2024

Exemplary Student Affinity Group Award

The main objective of an Affinity Group is the union and collaboration of people who have a common ideal. The development of projects and activities related to the theme of the Affinity Group is an excellent way to make the institution’s purposes reach the community!

Exemplary Student Affinity Group will be considered those who demonstrate that they have good management of the institution’s internal and external resources and, mainly, effectively promote the theme of their affinity group through projects and activities. In addition, groups must have quality documentation, which can be used for the continuity of the group’s culture and dissemination of knowledge of good practices and ideas.


  • First place: US $100,00 + Certificate of appreciation;
  • Second place: US $50,00 + Certificate of appreciation;
  • Third place: Certificate of appreciation.




Exemplary Student Technical Chapter Award

The main purpose of an IEEE Student Technical Chapter is to promote the area of interest of the IEEE Society they represent and performing activities is an excellent way of doing it! So, the purpose of this contest is to recognize Student Technical Chapters effectively managed within IEEE Region 9.

Will be considered to be exemplary of those Student Technical Chapters that prove to have good internal and external resources management and, mainly, effectively promote their Society area of study through projects and activities. In addition, these chapters should have quality documentation that can be useful for group continuity and to share good practices knowledge, and ideas.


  • First place: US $100,00 + Certificate of appreciation;
  • Second place: US $50,00 + Certificate of appreciation;
  • Third place: Certificate of appreciation.




Success Case Contest

Student branches, chapters and affinity groups have enormous potential to help their community use IEEE resources to develop projects.

If your organizational unit has carried out any innovative activity, which stands out among other activities within the Region, whether it had a correct organization, good audience, won a prize, generated funds and resources for the Branch or managed to have agreements with other universities, companies or institutions, is an excellent candidate to be chosen as a case of success!

It is expected that projects that are considered success cases, have good planning, execution, verification of results, and a good conclusion, which includes documenting the project to be developed later in the organizational unit or in other IEEE units, to spread the knowledge of good practices and ideas.


  • First place: US $100,00 + Certificate of appreciation;
  • Second place: US $50,00 + Certificate of appreciation;
  • Third place: Certificate of appreciation.




Regional Photography Student Contest

The purpose of this contest is to reward and recognize students who record group activities and experiences related to the institution innovatively and creatively.



In this category, photographs are considered where volunteers send records of their projects or experiences where there is dissemination of technical knowledge or technological development;


Includes photographs of activities or moments that have social bias and contribute to improving the quality of life or conditions of the community in which the Student Branch is inserted;


Photographs of activities, events or dynamics organized to develop and perfect soft skills are valid for this category. Soft skills are a key part of developing technology for the benefit of humanity!


First Place

  • A 2025 IEEE student membership that will be paid by the Region;
  • Certificate of recognition printed to be delivered during the 2024 R9 Regional Student Branch Meeting, if possible;
  • Certificate of digital recognition to be sent by email;
  • Your photo will be published on the R9 SAC social media.



IEEE Student Membership Contest

The IEEE R9 Student Activities Committee makes known to the public the rules for the Regional Student Membership Contest. The purpose of the contest is to increase regional student membership in IEEE Region 9.


The winner will be awarded the prize of:

4 Large Student Branches & 4 Small Student Branches

  • 1st Place: USD $100 + Recognition plaque.
  • 2nd and 3rd places: USD $50 + Recognition plaque.
  • Honorable mention: USD $25 + Honorable mention certificate.



IEEE Section Exemplary Student Activities 

Committee Award

The IEEE Region 9 Student Activities Committee is pleased to announce the guidelines for the prestigious IEEE Section Exemplary Student Activities Committee Award.

This competition aims to recognize the Section Student Activities Committee (SSAC) committee within IEEE Region 9 by their outstanding contributions and accomplishments to support the students.


  • First Place: Section SAC Committee: A plaque and certificate of appreciation;
  • Second Place and Third Place: Section SAC Committee: Certificate of appreciation;




Do you have any questions? Reach us

The R9 SAC, informs the participants that they will be available to answer questions related to the contest through the email address [email protected] with copy to:

  • Fiorella J. Montalvo Casma – Coordinator of R9 SAC Awards and Recognition Committee ([email protected]);
  • Victor R. Marques de Souza – Co-Coordinator of R9 SAC Awards and Recognition Committee
    ([email protected]).
  • Vicente A. Navarro Valencia – Member of R9 SAC Awards and Recognition SubCommittee ([email protected]).
  • Henry M. Suarez-Aviles – Member of R9 SAC Awards and Recognition SubCommittee
    ([email protected]).
  • Tâmara R. Dantas dos Santos – Member of R9 SAC Awards and Recognition SubCommittee
    ([email protected]).