ICEDEG is in its sixth year of providing a forum for research and technology development in the growing area of eDemocracy & eGovernment. Original, unpublished research paper submissions are solicited from industrial, academic, and other non-profit or public sector researchers reporting on substantial results. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to those listed below.
- eGovernment: blockchain, big data, cloud computing, cloud services, eAdministration, eAssistance, eProcurement, eServices, eSettlement, geographical information systems, green government, mobile government, open government, open data, policy issues security, privacy and ethics, and smart government.
- eDemocracy: electronic identity, identity management, electronic signature, eElection, centralized and decentralized (blockchain) eVoting, voting advice applications, public key infrastructure, security, privacy, and ethics.
- eParticipation: collaborative working environments, eCollaboration, eCommunity, expert systems and decision support, public memory, and political controlling.
- eSociety: collaborative learning, data and opinion mining, eEducation, smart cities, user acceptance, and Web-based learning communities.
- eHealth: demand and disease management, eHealth services, eMedicine, eHealth policy and practice, eHealthcare strategies and provision, home care, mobile emergency, medical research ethics, patient privacy and confidentiality, telemonitoring, and wireless telemedicine.
- eGovernance: business process reengineering, decision support systems, human resource management, IT governance, knowledge management, new public management, participatory governance, performance management, public sector innovation, public sector innovation management, public sector innovation transfer, transparency, and accountability.
Keynote Speakers
Irving Wladawsky-Berger
Research Affiliate at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, Fellow of MIT’s Initiative on the Digital Economy, MIT Connection Science, Adjunct Professor at the Imperial College Business School.
Sean A. McKenna
Senior Research Manager
Member, IBM Industry Academy
IBM Research, Dublin, Ireland
Soonae Yang
NIPA Advisor to High National Studies Insitute (IAEN), Ecuador
Dominik Dahlem
Director of Machine Learning at Optum / UnitedHealth Group
Important Dates
Abstract: October 24, 2018
Full Paper: October 31, 2018
Notification: January 15, 2019
Camera-ready: February 27, 2019
Tutorial: November 30, 2019
Workshop: January 31, 2019
Doctoral: January 31, 201
Technically Co-Sponsored by (pending)

Publication and Indexing
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Electronic proceedings of ICEDEG 2014-2018 are now available and indexed at IEEE Xplore, Computer Society, SCOPUS database (Elsevier), and Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) by Thomson Reuters (Web of Science).
