Week of Events
Charla ABB: Seguridad en instalaciones eléctricas
TEMARIO: • Interruptores Termomagnéticos y accesorios: - Características técnicas constructivas y normativas - Selección de producto y soluciones • Interruptores diferenciales y accesorios: - Características técnicas constructivas y normativas - Selección de producto y soluciones • Descargadores de sobretensión transitoria: - Tipos y esquema de selección - Soluciones para señales débiles - Supresores de pico • Equipamiento para riel DIN y Control - Protección, mando, control y medida • S-ARC1: Detector de fallas de arco eléctrico: - Detección arcos en serie y paralelo - Características técnicas constructivas y normativas - Selección de producto y soluciones Co-sponsored by: Charla ABB Bldg: Auditorio Luminotecnia, AVENIDA INDEPENDENCIA 1800, San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucuman, Argentina, 4000
Reunión mensual de Ramas IEEE Chile
Reunión mensual de Ramas IEEE Chile
Reunión de presidentes de Ramas IEEE Chile correspondiente al mes de septiembre Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/375746
Synchronized Waveform Measurement and Applications in Power Systems
Synchronized Waveform Measurement and Applications in Power Systems
Synchronized power system measurements, particularly synchronized phasor measurements, have received a lot of attention in the recent years for wide area situational awareness and various other functions. Phasors, however, effectively filter out a lot of information that may be useful for other applications, particularly in the presence of power system disturbances and heavy deployment of inverter-based resources (IBR). Waveforms, depending on sampling rate/resolution, provide a more granular and authentic representation of voltage and current in power systems. With the recent advancements in grid sensor technologies, it is now possible to obtain time-synchronized waveform measurements from various points on a power system in order to obtain “synchro-waveforms.” Synchro-waveforms open the door for a more advanced power system monitoring, situational awareness, and system performance assessment. Synchro-waveforms have innovative applications in both apparatus and power system management. Areas of particular interest are asset monitoring, incipient fault detection/location, protection, as well as control. Faster synchro-waveforms also can play a critical role in monitoring inverter-based resources (IBR), their dynamics and their responses to system disturbances. In this presentation, Dr. Rahmatian will provide an overview of advanced voltage and current sensors providing synchro-waveforms and their potential application, with focus on grid resiliency. The presentation will be focused on one or two applications, i.e., accurate fault location and high-frequency harmonics detection near IBRs. Co-sponsored by: Departamento de Potencia, Instituto de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Facultad de Ingeniería, UDELAR, Uruguay. Speaker(s): Ph.D., P.Eng. Farnoosh Rahmatian, Fellow IEEE, Agenda: The presentation will be recorded and made available to attendees in a timely manner. A simultaneous translation into Spanish will be carried out on a complementary audio channel of the zoom platform. La presentación será grabada y oportunamente puesta a disposición de los asistentes. Se realizará una traducción simultánea al español en un canal de audio complementario de la plataforma zoom. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/371196