
First-Year Engineering Students Recruitment

Bldg: Facultad de Ingeniería Udec, Edmundo Larenas 219, Concepción, Bio-Bio, Chile

This year, with the arrival of new first-year engineering students, IEEE PES UdeC is excited to introduce them to the IEEE Student Branch (SB) and, more specifically, the IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter (SBC PES) at the University of Concepción. Our team will be visiting classrooms to give a brief presentation on: -What IEEE is and its global impact -What IEEE PES represents, both internationally and within our university -The events and activities we have organized in the past -Upcoming initiatives and opportunities for students to get involved This is a great opportunity to learn about our student chapter, the benefits of being part of IEEE PES, and how they can actively participate in technical workshops, industry talks, networking events, and more. Co-sponsored by: Universidad de Concepción, Facultad Ingeniería Bldg: Facultad de Ingeniería Udec, Edmundo Larenas 219, Concepción, Bio-Bio, Chile

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