
Campamento ChipUSM

Bldg: B, Av. España 1680, Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile

Escuela de verano de diseño de circuitos integrados. Se enseña microelectrónica, con énfasis en la aplicación práctica en proyectos de diseño de circuitos fabricables. Se realizan dos tracks paralelos, en flujo analógico y digital. Co-sponsored by: Timeless-IC Bldg: B, Av. España 1680, Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile

XVIII IEEE Summer School on Computational Intelligence (EVIC) December 13-15, 2023

Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile , Beauchef 851, Santiago, Santiago, Region Metropolitana, Chile

XVIII IEEE Summer School on Computational Intelligence (EVIC) December 13-15, 2023 Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile Beauchef 851, Santiago (Metro Toesca or Parque O’higgins), Chile Poster Competition 1st call for extended abstracts deadline: November 5th, 2023 ( ================================================================ The XVIII Summer School on Computational Intelligence will take place at the Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Science of the University of Chile, Santiago. It is jointly organized by the Chilean Chapter of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society and the Initiative for Data and Artificial Intelligence of the University of Chile. The summer schools aims to promote Computational Intelligence, bringing together areas such as Intelligent Control Systems, Astroinformatics, Biomedical Engineering, Bio-Informatics, Robotics, Computer Vision, Computational Neuroscience, Science Data, and Big Data, among others, in order to disseminate the basic knowledge and the latest research advances to students, professors and professionals from Chile and other Latin American countries. During the Summer School, a Student Poster Competition on Computational Intelligence will be held. ==== Confirmed speakers ==== - Danilo Mandic - Imperial College London (United Kingdom) - Andrés Muñoz Medina - Google Research - Gabriel León - Science Communicator - Pamela Guevara - AC3E and University of Concepción - Igor Škrjanc - University of Ljubljana - Enzo Ferrante - CONICET & National University of Litoral ==== Tutorials ==== - Gloria Henríquez - Center for Mathematical Modelling - Rodolfo Núñez - Entel & TripleTen - Jorge Silva - University of Chile - Benjamín Herrmann - Universidad de Chile - Javiera Castillo - École Polytechnique Féderale de Laussane - Iván Castro - Amazon Web Services - Christopher P. Ley- Center for Mathematical Modelling - Gonzalo Ríos - NoiseGrasp ==== Local organizing committee (University of Chile) ==== Felipe Tobar Dominique Hermosilla Camilo Carvajal Reyes ==== Important dates ==== - Abstract submission deadline: November 5th, 2023 - Abstracts acceptance result: November 27th, 2023 ===== Paper submission ===== Authors should submit their articles in English as PDF files following the IEEE style guidelines for conference proceedings (limited up to 2 pages (US letter size) of content and 1 page for images). The submission must include the following sections: Introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusions. Affiliation should include the name of the student participating in the competition and the name of the co-authors. ( Submit your work in PDF format at the following link ( Posters will be selected based on the quality of the extended abstract. The decision notification will be sent by electronic mail. Posters should be posted according to the schedule which will be noted in the program. A committee of three experts will evaluate the posters and assign the first, second and third places. The awards will be announced on December 14th, 2023. Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile , Beauchef 851, Santiago, Santiago, Region Metropolitana, Chile

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