
12th Integrated Circuits Design Bootcamp – U del Bio Bio

Universidad del Bio Bio, Concepcion, Bio-Bio, Chile

Integrated Circuits are at the heart of innovations that are changing the way people live and work. Self-driving cars. Machines that learn. Devices are getting smarter. Communication is getting faster and faster. Everything is connected. And chips are powering the new era of digital innovation. Rapid changes in Integrated Circuits (IC) technology and constantly shrinking nodes demand new capabilities and skills to meet the contemporary requirements for IC design. IEEE CASS, Synopsys Chile R&D Center, and Universidad del Bio Bio invite you, undergraduate and graduate students and academics, to participate in the 12th Integrated Circuits Design Bootcamp, a new version of the previously called Integrated Circuit Design Summer School where you will attend workshops accessing leading-edge software and plenary talks prepared to strengthen skills around the design and simulation of digital integrated circuits that are highly demanded in an increasingly more competitive and technologized market. This bootcamp will have two parallel tracks: a digital integrated circuit design course (synthesis flow, and place and route) and an analog design course where you will work on design and implementation of small common circuit blocks like differential pair and bias circuits. Co-sponsored by: Synopsys, Universidad del Bio Bio Agenda: Visit Universidad del Bio Bio, Concepcion, Bio-Bio, Chile

Reunión general anual IEEE CIS Chile


Estimados y estimadas colegas IEEE CIS, por la presente se cita a nuestra tradicional reunión general anual para el día viernes 20 de Enero a las 16 horas. Esta reunión se realizará de forma virtual a través de Zoom. TABLA (provisoria) 1. Acta reunión anterior (Sebastián Maldonado) 2. Reporte actividades año 2022 (Sebastián Maldonado) 3. Reporte EVIC 2021 (Jorge Vergara) 4. Organización EVIC 2023 5. Elección nueva directiva 6. Varios Información de Zoom: Tema: Reunión Anual Capítulo Chileno IEEE CIS Hora: 20 ene. 2023 04:00 p. m. Santiago ID de reunión: 842 7887 7604 Código de acceso: 36662057 esperamos verl@s! saludos cordiales Directorio Chile/Chile Sur Jt Section Chapter CIS11 Virtual: