Argencon 2016 was presented at UTN Facultad Regional Buenos Aires – Address: Av. Medrano 951, Cdad. Autónoma de Buenos Aires.

Timeline & Contents

We were joined at IEEE Argencon 2016:

Thanks for join us / Thank you for joining us.

Cis. GTC warmly appreciates the support of our prominent sponsors and speakers gathered at the biennial Congress.

Track activity schedule

Contents of interest

  • Academic
  • Courses
  • Disciplines of applied art
  • Design and methodologies
  • Game Engines
  • Gamification and Serious Games
  • Institutional
  • Papers
  • Virtual Reality
  • Tributes

We thank the regional UTN Bs. As., they courtly opened its doors to the event exclusively.



Academic Fair – Thursday 16 (11:20 hs.) – Room 515

Block of space for institutions to give up the same and their careers related to the segment to attract potential candidates.

Plenary Table – Friday 17 (11:40 hs.) – Room 516

Roundtable between institutional representatives & industry specialists to analyze the national and international landscape of education that is the responsibility of industry and as a Kick-Off for the democratized agreement to apply to IEEE CIS. GTC, measures to improve the quality of the same – By institutions invited and moderated by VGGE.



Design – Thursday 16 (09:50 hs.) – Room 516

Course Certified by IEEE CIS. GTC at Transmedia Design – Dictated by Gonzalo Speranza and Esteban Echeverría (Nuts Media)

Transmedia is a technique of realization of audiovisual content distributed strategically in multiple media and linked through the narrative. It aims to increase audience retention. The viewer ceases to be passive and proactively seeks to learn more about the product's universe, its stories and its characters by exploring a universe of a product. The community has the potential to influence the development of the transmedia product.

Transmedia production and design thus acquire a complexity that demands specific techniques that bring together multiple disciplines, including nonlinear interactive narrative and the design of ludified structures. Today's communication technologies have changed the way audience consumes and forms communities around a product. Interactive documentaries, digital TV, the web and video games, among other means, are windows that tell a cross-sectional story where the main protagonists are the viewers.

Management – Day Thursday 16 (15:50 hs.) and Friday 17 (14:10 hs.) – Room 516

IEEE Certified Course – Dictated by Omar D. Gallo (UTN)

University Convention – Business, Services, research and student training.

Disciplines of applied art


Art Games – Day Wednesday 15 (12:00 hs.) – Room 515

Presentation on Art in Play – Presented by M. Luján Oulton (Game On! Art at Play)

We will take a tour of three items that will be interrelated throughout the encounter: art / game / technology. Starting from the relationship between man and game: the first signs in history, the social importance of the game, the 21st century as a century of playful culture. Passing a quick panning through the main artistic movements and their impact on society, highlighting those who recover the game and that incorporate technology. We will stop at the present, in how the magic circle of the game is generated again under an aesthetic and technology-crossed gaze. What events are happening today in the world that have as their focus on the game. That breaks are taking hold in the field of video games, what it means to be experimental, artistic, independent. What opportunities do those who want to start on that path and what their training should be. What seems to be the paths that are opening up.

Narrrativa – Wednesday 15 (14:50) – Room 515

The Interactive Adventures of Dog Mendonca and Pizzaboy: from role to game – Presented by Martina Santoro and Oscar Gomez Poviña (OKAM Studio)

"Presentation by OKAM Studio, and the "Making of" of its most recent installment "The Interactive Adventures of Dog Mendonca and Pizzaboy", and his experience in a production that required re-imagining the stories published by the prestigious publisher Dark Horse, as an interactive adventure.

Music – Day Wednesday 15 (16:10 hs.) – Room 515

Presentation on Musicization for Video Games – Presented by Mariano Guerino

The basics of musicization in video games such as choosing and creating the music will depend on the genre of our game, the context of it, recognizing elements such as the implicit rhythm in the gameplay, as aesthetics defines part of the instrumentation and how the narrative is influenced by a musical nexus are concepts necessary for a more integral experience. Other tracks to watch are The musical dynamics according to devices, expectation and novelty, and music and sfx in combination

Design and methodologies


Monetization – Day Wednesday 15 (11:20 hs.) – Room 516

The Freemium Model – Presented by Diego Ruíz (Dedalord)

Evolution of the neo-gothic model to the Freemium model. Its main features and the reasons why today virtually all games on the App Store and Google Play are freemium. Its advantages and its dark side. How the model is supported and how to maximize its effectiveness. How to make use of this model maximizing the chances of success.

Paper 208 – Day Wednesday 15 (12:00 hs.) – Room 516

GAME DESIGN – A Methodological Proposal – Presented by Durgan A. Nallar (La Game Design School)

Conception and Production – Day Wednesday 15 (14:10 hs.) – Room 516

WHAT SHOULD I KNOW TO MAKEVIDEOGAMES? – Holman Zarate (Regional SENA Tolima, Colombia – Dinomotion Studios)

Video games have become part of modern culture, not only being a form of entertainment for children, but becoming an industry that generates thousands of jobs around the world. Being a presentation of the most important concepts for the creation of a video game, from the generation of the idea, to the production process, to conclude with the monetization and distribution of the final product.

Analog port to digital – Day Friday 17 (14:50 hs.) Room 515

Digitizing Classics: The Design and Development Process to Bring Classic Board Games to Digital Platforms – Presented by Milton Berman and Sergio De Vita (Widow Games)

A technical and practical analysis of the experience of the Widow Games studio, faced with the challenges of making a digital port, of board games that have been classic, revitalizing them today as the "new timeless classics".

Game Engines


Unity – Day Wednesday 15 (14:10 hs.) – Room 515

Technical Tips for VR/AR at Unity Projects – Presented by Jay Santos (Unity Technologies)

A grading of development and design best practices for VR and AR projects in Unity

Unreal – Thursday 16 (15:00 hs.) – Room 515

Your first experience with Unreal Engine – Presented by Pablo Vilaboa with support by Luis Cataldi (Epic Games)

An approach to Unreal 4.12, aimed at those who never saw Unreal and with an overview of its new implementations in the new terrains explored by our industry, based on the Tips and PPTs provided by Luis Cataldi for Argencon 2016.

Construct 2 – Day Friday 17 (09:50 hs.) – Room 516

From the GDD and the prototype, to your first title – Put together an entire game in Construct – Presented by Nicolas Castez (AVIX & Scirra)

Godot – Day Friday 17 (11:40 hs.) – Room 515

Introduction to Godot Engine – Presented by Ariel Manzur (Godot Engine)

Godot Engine, 2D/3D engine developed in Argentina, published under Open Source (MIT) license. An introduction aimed at all users, will briefly describe the basic philosophy and tools to create 2D/3D scenes, Interfaces, Animation, Scripting, etc.

Gamification and Serious Games


Gamification – Thursday 16 (16:30 hs.) – Room 515

Gamifying a massive competency assessment process – a practical approach – Presented by Rodrigo Borgia (

Gamification tools, including mechanics, dynamics and components, can be used with the intention of influencing a user's motivation by participating in an evaluation process for a specific role. Competencies that are defined on a measurable scale for a specific role can show the match between the candidate's profile and the required position. This talk explores the methodological structure on an online platform.

Paper 111 – Latincampus – gamified distance learning platform – Presented by Miguel Angel Antonio Bruno and Javier del Carril (Latincampus)

Gamification – Friday 17 (14:10 hs.) – 515

Gamification of Health and Business – Presented by Durgan A. Nallar (La Game Design School)

Is it possible to use game design theory in areas as sensitive as health, or in areas related to commercial performance? A gamified system improves health control systems and produces healthy habits. In addition, through internal and external gamification processes it is possible to obtain the loyalty of consumers and improvements of up to 400%.

Paper 145 – Day Friday 17 (16:10 hs.) – Room 515

Playability-Based Teaching: Virtual Environment of Complete Immersion in Uulic Space" – Presented by Federico Arrieta & David Bulacio Simon



FUNDAV – Day Wednesday 15 (11:20 hs.) – Room 515

Conference – Presented by the steering committee and founders of the Argentine Video Game Foundation

Presentation to the IEEE and high industry, FundAV presenting its objectives and projects to promote the video game industry in all its forms and expressions, considering video games as a channel of communication, expression, research and education.

PUVArg. – Day Friday 17 (14:10 hs.) – Room 515

Conference – Presented by members of the United Press of Video Games of Argentina – Santiago Figueroa, Alejandro Pro, Florence Orsetti.

VGGE – Day Friday 17 (16:30 hs.) – Room 515

Meeting open between members of the local FUNDAV Foundation and the VGGE Games Technical Committee of the Computational Intelligence Society by the IEEE.

VGGE – Day Friday 17 (16:30 hs.) – Room 515

Medal Delivery & Close Event – Presented by Cecilia Barat and PhD. Daniela López De Luise.



Paper 111 – Day Wednesday 15 (16:50 hs.) – Room 515

Recommending educational video games based on game features and student's learning style – Presented by Analia Amandi, Ariel Monteserin & Juan Feldman

Paper 145 – Day Friday 17 (16:10 hs.) – Room 515

Playability-Based Teaching: Virtual Environment of Complete Immersion in Uulic Space" – Presented by Federico Arrieta & David Bulacio Simon

Paper 189 – Thursday 16 (16:30 hs.) – Room 515

Gamifying a massive competency assessment process – a hands-on approach – Presented by Rodrigo Borgia (

Gamification tools, including mechanics, dynamics and components, can be used with the intention of influencing a user's motivation by participating in an evaluation process for a specific role. Competencies that are defined on a measurable scale for a specific role can show the match between the candidate's profile and the required position. This talk explores the methodological structure on an online platform.

Paper 208 – Day Wednesday 15 (12:00 hs.) – Room 516

GAME DESIGN – A Methodological Proposal – Presented by Durgan A. Nallar (La Game Design School)

Virtual Reality


Unity – Day Wednesday 15 (14:10 hs.) – Room 515

Technical Tips for VR/AR at Unity Projects – Presented by Jay Santos (Unity Technologies)

A grading of development and design best practices for VR and AR projects in Unity

itBAF / Planet Guru – Day Wednesday 15 (14:50 hs.) – Room 516

Virtual Reality, and now what?– Presented by Alejandro Iparraguirre

Interactive and gamified meeting that proposes intervention among all participants to reflect on the definition and application of VR technology and the impact it generates and can generate in the different areas of our daily lives.

itBAF / Planet Guru – Day Wednesday 15 (16:10 hs.) – Room 516

Virtual Reality and Gamification – Presented by Planet Guru (itBAF)

Planet Guru invites you to learn about the latest advances in video games and gamification. Our community is made up of gamers from the region and fans of PC online games. Unite and know our vr multiplayer skills. Enjoy exploring the underwater world, rescue treasures from an Egyptian tomb, travel to space to defend planet Earth and feel like a sheriff from the Far West. Immerse yourself in our Media Center, a unique experience where you will be able to live 360 videos, music and video games in an unprecedented way.

Want to be part of the most advanced games and the most amazing experiences? Meet Planet Guru at its stand in Argencon 2016 and I lived other worlds.



Video games – Thursday 16 (09:50 hs.) – Room 515

Industry Tribute – Video Game Segment – Steve Russell and MIT – Presented by Facundo Mounes (FUNDAV)

Gamification – Thursday 16 (10:10 hs.) – Room 515

Industry Tribute – Gamification Segment: Gabe Zichermann – Presented by Rodrigo Borgia (